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oracle导出excel(非csv)的方法有两种,1、使用sqlplus spool,2、使用包体,接下来通过本文给大家介绍Oracle导出excel数据,需要的朋友参考下
oracle导出excel(非csv)的方法有两种,1、使用sqlplus spool,2、使用包体
--main.sql 注意,需要在sqlplus下运行 非plsql命令行下 set linesize 200 set term off verify off feedback off pagesize 999 set markup html on entmap ON spool on preformat off spool test_tables.xls @get_tables.sql spool off exit
--get_tables.sql select from all_objects where rownum<=1000;
create or replace package smt_xlsx_maker_pkg is / NAME: SMT_XLSX_MAKER_PKG PURPOSE: XLSX 生成 Pkg,主要是从Oracle数据库端生成Xlsx二进制的文件。 REVISIONS: Ver Date Author Description --------- ---------- --------------- ------------------------------------ 1.0 2011/2/19 Anton Scheffer 1,New Create the pkg 1.1 2015/6/10 Sam.T 1.优化核心处理生成xlsx的代码,使得生成文档的执行效率大大提高! 1.1 2015/6/10 Sam.T 1.query2sheet增加绑定变量的可选输入参数。 1.2 2015/6/15 Sam.T 1.代码增加调试模式。直接设置G_DEBUG_MODE变量即可。 1.2 2015/6/20 Sam.T 1.为方便使用,封装一些简单易用的过程,生成xlsx文档 1.2 2015/7/5 Sam.T 1.单条SQL生成xlsx文档的内容,增加是否显示foot,以及显示的行数。 jinzhao 解决数据量较大情况下导出excel报错xml的问题。将dbms_lob.writeappend修改为dbms_lob.append / --------- / Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 by Anton Scheffer Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. / /
declare l_sql varchar2(30000); begin l_sql := 'select from all_objects'; smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.query2sheet(l_sql, true, 'XLS_DIR', 'Export2.xlsx'); end;
除此之外,基本上Excel 中有的效果它都可以生成。
begin smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.clear_workbook; smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.new_sheet; smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(5, 1, 5); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(3, 1, 3); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(2, 2, 45); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(3, 2, 'Anton Scheffer', p_alignment => smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.get_alignment(p_wraptext => true)); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(1, 4, sysdate, p_fontid => smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.get_font('Calibri', p_rgb => 'FFFF0000')); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(2, 4, sysdate, p_numfmtid => smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.get_numfmt('dd/mm/yyyy h:mm')); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(3, 4, sysdate, p_numfmtid => smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.get_numfmt(smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.orafmt2excel('dd/mon/yyyy'))); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(5, 5, 75, p_borderid => smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.get_border('double', 'double', 'double', 'double')); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(2, 3, 33); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.hyperlink(1, 6, 'http://.blogs./mellowsmile', 'jinzhao site'); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(1, 7, 'Some merged cells', p_alignment => smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.get_alignment(p_horizontal => 'center')); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.mergecells(1, 7, 3, 7); for i in 1 .. 5 loop smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.ment(3, i + 3, 'Row ' || (i + 3), 'Anton'); end loop; smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.new_sheet; smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.set_row(1, p_fillid => smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.get_fill('solid', 'FFFF0000')); for i in 1 .. 5 loop smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(1, i, i); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(2, i, i 3); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(3, i, 'x ' || i 3); end loop; smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.query2sheet('select rownum, x. , case when mod( rownum, 2 ) = 0 then rownum 3 end demo , case when mod( rownum, 2 ) = 1 then ''demo '' || rownum end demo2 from dual x connect by rownum <= 5');'XLS_DIR', 'Export3.xlsx'); end; / g_debug_mode boolean := false; ---DBMS_OUTPUT直接输出/FILE_OUTPUT文档输出/REQUEST_OUTPUT请求日志输出/CONTEXT_OUTPUT 将日志改为上下文输出 g_debug_type varchar2(240) := 'DBMS_OUTPUT'; ---绑定变量用的临时表变量 type rec_col_value is record( col_id number(3), col_value varchar2(2400)); type tab_col_value is table of rec_col_value index by binary_integer; -- type tp_alignment is record( vertical varchar2(11), horizontal varchar2(16), wraptext boolean); -- procedure clear_workbook; -- procedure new_sheet(p_sheetname varchar2 := null); -- function orafmt2excel(p_format varchar2 := null) return varchar2; -- function get_numfmt(p_format varchar2 := null) return pls_integer; -- function get_font(p_name varchar2, p_family pls_integer := 2, p_fontsize number := 11, p_theme pls_integer := 1, p_underline boolean := false, p_italic boolean := false, p_bold boolean := false, p_rgb varchar2 := null -- this is a hex ALPHA Red Green Blue value ) return pls_integer; -- function get_fill(p_patterntype varchar2, p_fgrgb varchar2 := null -- this is a hex ALPHA Red Green Blue value ) return pls_integer; -- function get_border(p_ varchar2 := 'thin', p_bottom varchar2 := 'thin', p_left varchar2 := 'thin', p_right varchar2 := 'thin') / none thin medium dashed dotted thick double hair mediumDashed dashDot mediumDashDot dashDotDot mediumDashDotDot slantDashDot / return pls_integer; -- function get_alignment(p_vertical varchar2 := null, p_horizontal varchar2 := null, p_wraptext boolean := null) / horizontal center centerContinuous distributed fill general justify left right / / vertical bottom center distributed justify / return tp_alignment; -- procedure cell(p_col pls_integer, p_row pls_integer, p_value number, p_numfmtid pls_integer := null, p_fontid pls_integer := null, p_fillid pls_integer := null, p_borderid pls_integer := null, p_alignment tp_alignment := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null); -- procedure cell(p_col pls_integer, p_row pls_integer, p_value varchar2, p_numfmtid pls_integer := null, p_fontid pls_integer := null, p_fillid pls_integer := null, p_borderid pls_integer := null, p_alignment tp_alignment := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null); -- procedure cell(p_col pls_integer, p_row pls_integer, p_value date, p_numfmtid pls_integer := null, p_fontid pls_integer := null, p_fillid pls_integer := null, p_borderid pls_integer := null, p_alignment tp_alignment := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null); -- procedure hyperlink(p_col pls_integer, p_row pls_integer, p_url varchar2, p_value varchar2 := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null); -- procedure ment(p_col pls_integer, p_row pls_integer, p_text varchar2, p_author varchar2 := null, p_width pls_integer := 150 -- pixels , p_height pls_integer := 100 -- pixels , p_sheet pls_integer := null); -- procedure mergecells(p_tl_col pls_integer -- left , p_tl_row pls_integer, p_br_col pls_integer -- bottom right , p_br_row pls_integer, p_sheet pls_integer := null); -- procedure list_validation(p_sqref_col pls_integer, p_sqref_row pls_integer, p_tl_col pls_integer -- left , p_tl_row pls_integer, p_br_col pls_integer -- bottom right , p_br_row pls_integer, p_style varchar2 := 's' -- s, warning, information , p_title varchar2 := null, p_prompt varchar := null, p_show_error boolean := false, p_error_title varchar2 := null, p_error_txt varchar2 := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null); -- procedure list_validation(p_sqref_col pls_integer, p_sqref_row pls_integer, p_defined_name varchar2, p_style varchar2 := 's' -- s, warning, information , p_title varchar2 := null, p_prompt varchar := null, p_show_error boolean := false, p_error_title varchar2 := null, p_error_txt varchar2 := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null); -- procedure defined_name(p_tl_col pls_integer -- left , p_tl_row pls_integer, p_br_col pls_integer -- bottom right , p_br_row pls_integer, p_name varchar2, p_sheet pls_integer := null, p_localsheet pls_integer := null); -- procedure set_column_width(p_col pls_integer, p_width number, p_sheet pls_integer := null); -- procedure set_column(p_col pls_integer, p_numfmtid pls_integer := null, p_fontid pls_integer := null, p_fillid pls_integer := null, p_borderid pls_integer := null, p_alignment tp_alignment := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null); -- procedure set_row(p_row pls_integer, p_numfmtid pls_integer := null, p_fontid pls_integer := null, p_fillid pls_integer := null, p_borderid pls_integer := null, p_alignment tp_alignment := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null); -- procedure freeze_rows(p_nr_rows pls_integer := 1, p_sheet pls_integer := null); -- procedure freeze_cols(p_nr_cols pls_integer := 1, p_sheet pls_integer := null); -- procedure freeze_pane(p_col pls_integer, p_row pls_integer, p_sheet pls_integer := null); -- procedure set_autofilter(p_column_start pls_integer := null, p_column_end pls_integer := null, p_row_start pls_integer := null, p_row_end pls_integer := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null); -- function finish return blob; -- procedure save(p_directory varchar2, p_filename varchar2); -- ---当p_footer设定参数为真,这个g_query2sheet_footer有值,则会显示这个值的内容。没有则默认是Generated xxxx ---有一点说明的是,&ROWS 字段会被自动替换为结果返回的行数。 g_query2sheet_footer varchar2(1000); g_query2sheet_rows number; --结果返回的是多少行记录 --这个是这个程序的"完全体" procedure query2sheet(p_sql varchar2, p_col_value_tab smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.tab_col_value ---运行的动态SQL的绑定变量 , p_column_headers boolean := true, p_directory varchar2 := null, p_filename varchar2 := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null, p_footer boolean := true, x_retcode out number ---0:成功 非0:失败( 或者0:成功 1:警告 2:错误 ----注意确定警告的时候要做什么动作) , x_errbuf out varchar2 ---具体的错误信息 ); ---默认用上绑定变量的逻辑! procedure query2sheet(p_sql varchar2, p_column_headers boolean := true, p_directory varchar2 := null, p_filename varchar2 := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null, p_footer boolean := true, x_retcode out number ---0:成功 非0:失败( 或者0:成功 1:警告 2:错误 ----注意确定警告的时候要做什么动作) , x_errbuf out varchar2 ---具体的错误信息 ); ---最简单的使用版本 procedure query2sheet(p_sql varchar2, p_column_headers boolean := true, p_directory varchar2 := null, p_filename varchar2 := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null, p_footer boolean := true); ---参考老外的,封装的一个好用的过程!游标直接输出excel。未测试过~ procedure cursor2sheet(p_sql in sys_refcursor, p_column_headers boolean := true, p_directory varchar2 := null, p_filename varchar2 := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null, p_footer boolean := true); -- end; create or replace package body smt_xlsx_maker_pkg is -- c_local_file_header constant raw(4) := hextoraw('504B0304'); -- Local file header signature c_end_of_central_directory constant raw(4) := hextoraw('504B0506'); -- End of central directory signature -- type tp_xf_fmt is record( numfmtid pls_integer, fontid pls_integer, fillid pls_integer, borderid pls_integer, alignment tp_alignment); type tp_col_fmts is table of tp_xf_fmt index by pls_integer; type tp_row_fmts is table of tp_xf_fmt index by pls_integer; type tp_widths is table of number index by pls_integer; type tp_cell is record( value number, style varchar2(50)); type tp_cells is table of tp_cell index by pls_integer; type tp_rows is table of tp_cells index by pls_integer; type tp_autofilter is record( column_start pls_integer, column_end pls_integer, row_start pls_integer, row_end pls_integer); type tp_autofilters is table of tp_autofilter index by pls_integer; type tp_hyperlink is record( cell varchar2(10), url varchar2(1000)); type tp_hyperlinks is table of tp_hyperlink index by pls_integer; subtype tp_author is varchar2(32767 char); type tp_authors is table of pls_integer index by tp_author; authors tp_authors; type tp_ment is record( text varchar2(32767 char), author tp_author, row pls_integer, column pls_integer, width pls_integer, height pls_integer); type tp_ments is table of tp_ment index by pls_integer; type tp_mergecells is table of varchar2(21) index by pls_integer; type tp_validation is record( type varchar2(10), errorstyle varchar2(32), showinputmessage boolean, prompt varchar2(32767 char), title varchar2(32767 char), error_title varchar2(32767 char), error_txt varchar2(32767 char), showerrormessage boolean, formula1 varchar2(32767 char), formula2 varchar2(32767 char), allowblank boolean, sqref varchar2(32767 char)); type tp_validations is table of tp_validation index by pls_integer; type tp_sheet is record( rows tp_rows, widths tp_widths, name varchar2(100), freeze_rows pls_integer, freeze_cols pls_integer, autofilters tp_autofilters, hyperlinks tp_hyperlinks, col_fmts tp_col_fmts, row_fmts tp_row_fmts, ments tp_ments, mergecells tp_mergecells, validations tp_validations); type tp_sheets is table of tp_sheet index by pls_integer; type tp_numfmt is record( numfmtid pls_integer, formatcode varchar2(100)); type tp_numfmts is table of tp_numfmt index by pls_integer; type tp_fill is record( patterntype varchar2(30), fgrgb varchar2(8)); type tp_fills is table of tp_fill index by pls_integer; type tp_cellxfs is table of tp_xf_fmt index by pls_integer; type tp_font is record( name varchar2(100), family pls_integer, fontsize number, theme pls_integer, rgb varchar2(8), underline boolean, italic boolean, bold boolean); type tp_fonts is table of tp_font index by pls_integer; type tp_border is record( varchar2(17), bottom varchar2(17), left varchar2(17), right varchar2(17)); type tp_borders is table of tp_border index by pls_integer; type tp_numfmtindexes is table of pls_integer index by pls_integer; type tp_strings is table of pls_integer index by varchar2(32767 char); type tp_str_ind is table of varchar2(32767 char) index by pls_integer; type tp_defined_name is record( name varchar2(32767 char), ref varchar2(32767 char), sheet pls_integer); type tp_defined_names is table of tp_defined_name index by pls_integer; type tp_book is record( sheets tp_sheets, strings tp_strings, str_ind tp_str_ind, str_t pls_integer := 0, fonts tp_fonts, fills tp_fills, borders tp_borders, numfmts tp_numfmts, cellxfs tp_cellxfs, numfmtindexes tp_numfmtindexes, defined_names tp_defined_names); workbook tp_book; lc_rows tp_rows; --new 2015.5.27 -- procedure debuglog(p_msg in varchar2) is begin if g_debug_type = 'DBMS_OUTPUT' then dbms_output.put_line(p_msg); elsif g_debug_type = 'FILE_OUTPUT' then --XYG_FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, P_MSG); null; elsif g_debug_type = 'REQUEST_OUTPUT' then --LOG(P_MSG); --FND_FILE.PUT_LINE (FND_FILE.LOG, P_MSG); null; end if; end debuglog; procedure blob2file(p_blob blob, p_directory varchar2 := 'MY_DIR', p_filename varchar2 := 'my.xlsx') is t_fh utl_file.file_type; t_len pls_integer := 32767; begin t_fh := utl_file.fopen(p_directory, p_filename, 'wb'); for i in 0 .. trunc((dbms_lob.getlength(p_blob) - 1) / t_len) loop utl_file.put_raw(t_fh, dbms_lob.substr(p_blob, t_len, i t_len + 1)); end loop; utl_file.fclose(t_fh); end; -- function raw2num(p_raw raw, p_len integer, p_pos integer) return number is begin return utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(p_raw, p_pos, p_len), utl_raw.little_endian); end; -- function little_endian(p_big number, p_bytes pls_integer := 4) return raw is begin return utl_raw.substr(utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(p_big, utl_raw.little_endian), 1, p_bytes); end; -- function blob2num(p_blob blob, p_len integer, p_pos integer) return number is begin return utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(dbms_lob.substr(p_blob, p_len, p_pos), utl_raw.little_endian); end; -- procedure add1file(p_zipped_blob in out blob, p_name varchar2, p_content blob) is t_now date; t_blob blob; t_len integer; t_clen integer; t_crc32 raw(4) := hextoraw('00000000'); t_pressed boolean := false; t_name raw(32767); begin t_now := sysdate; t_len := nvl(dbms_lob.getlength(p_content), 0); if t_len > 0 then t_blob := utl_press.lz_press(p_content); t_clen := dbms_lob.getlength(t_blob) - 18; t_pressed := t_clen < t_len; t_crc32 := dbms_lob.substr(t_blob, 4, t_clen + 11); end if; if not t_pressed then t_clen := t_len; t_blob := p_content; end if; if p_zipped_blob is null then dbms_lob.createtemporary(p_zipped_blob, true); end if; t_name := utl_i18n.string_to_raw(p_name, 'AL32UTF8'); dbms_lob.append(p_zipped_blob, utl_raw.concat(c_local_file_header -- Local file header signature , hextoraw('1400') -- version 2.0 , case when t_name = utl_i18n.string_to_raw(p_name, 'US8PC437') then hextoraw('0000') -- no General purpose bits else hextoraw('0008') -- set Language encoding flag (EFS) end, case when t_pressed then hextoraw('0800') -- deflate else hextoraw('0000') -- stored end, little_endian(to_number(to_char(t_now, 'ss')) / 2 + to_number(to_char(t_now, 'mi')) 32 + to_number(to_char(t_now, 'hh24')) 2048, 2) -- File last modification time , little_endian(to_number(to_char(t_now, 'dd')) + to_number(to_char(t_now, 'mm')) 32 + (to_number(to_char(t_now, 'yyyy')) - 1980) 512, 2) -- File last modification date , t_crc32 -- CRC-32 , little_endian(t_clen) -- pressed size , little_endian(t_len) -- unpressed size , little_endian(utl_raw.length(t_name), 2) -- File name length , hextoraw('0000') -- Extra field length , t_name -- File name )); if t_pressed then dbms_lob.copy(p_zipped_blob, t_blob, t_clen, dbms_lob.getlength(p_zipped_blob) + 1, 11); -- pressed content elsif t_clen > 0 then dbms_lob.copy(p_zipped_blob, t_blob, t_clen, dbms_lob.getlength(p_zipped_blob) + 1, 1); -- content end if; if dbms_lob.istemporary(t_blob) = 1 then dbms_lob.freetemporary(t_blob); end if; end; -- procedure finish_zip(p_zipped_blob in out blob) is t_t pls_integer := 0; t_offs integer; t_offs_dir_header integer; t_offs_end_header integer; t_ment raw(32767) := utl_raw.cast_to_raw('Implementation by Anton Scheffer'); begin t_offs_dir_header := dbms_lob.getlength(p_zipped_blob); t_offs := 1; while dbms_lob.substr(p_zipped_blob, utl_raw.length(c_local_file_header), t_offs) = c_local_file_header loop t_t := t_t + 1; dbms_lob.append(p_zipped_blob, utl_raw.concat(hextoraw('504B0102') -- Central directory file header signature , hextoraw('1400') -- version 2.0 , dbms_lob.substr(p_zipped_blob, 26, t_offs + 4), hextoraw('0000') -- File ment length , hextoraw('0000') -- Disk number where file starts , hextoraw('0000') -- Internal file attributes => -- 0000 binary file -- 0100 (ascii)text file , case when dbms_lob.substr(p_zipped_blob, 1, t_offs + 30 + blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 2, t_offs + 26) - 1) in (hextoraw('2F') -- / , hextoraw('5C') -- \ ) then hextoraw('10000000') -- a directory/folder else hextoraw('2000B681') -- a file end -- External file attributes , little_endian(t_offs - 1) -- Relative offset of local file header , dbms_lob.substr(p_zipped_blob, blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 2, t_offs + 26), t_offs + 30) -- File name )); t_offs := t_offs + 30 + blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 4, t_offs + 18) -- pressed size + blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 2, t_offs + 26) -- File name length + blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 2, t_offs + 28); -- Extra field length end loop; t_offs_end_header := dbms_lob.getlength(p_zipped_blob); dbms_lob.append(p_zipped_blob, utl_raw.concat(c_end_of_central_directory -- End of central directory signature , hextoraw('0000') -- Number of this disk , hextoraw('0000') -- Disk where central directory starts , little_endian(t_t, 2) -- Number of central directory records on this disk , little_endian(t_t, 2) -- Total number of central directory records , little_endian(t_offs_end_header - t_offs_dir_header) -- Size of central directory , little_endian(t_offs_dir_header) -- Offset of start of central directory, relative to start of archive , little_endian(nvl(utl_raw.length(t_ment), 0), 2) -- ZIP file ment length , t_ment)); end; -- function alfan_col(p_col pls_integer) return varchar2 is begin return case when p_col > 702 then chr(64 + trunc((p_col - 27) / 676)) || chr(65 + mod(trunc((p_col - 1) / 26) - 1, 26)) || chr(65 + mod(p_col - 1, 26)) when p_col > 26 then chr(64 + trunc((p_col - 1) / 26)) || chr(65 + mod(p_col - 1, 26)) else chr(64 + p_col) end; end; -- function col_alfan(p_col varchar2) return pls_integer is begin return ascii(substr(p_col, -1)) - 64 + nvl((ascii(substr(p_col, -2, 1)) - 64) 26, 0) + nvl((ascii(substr(p_col, -3, 1)) - 64) 676, 0); end; -- procedure clear_workbook is --t_row_ind pls_integer; t_clear_rows tp_rows; begin for s in 1 .. workbook.sheets.count() loop / t_row_ind := workbook.sheets( s ).rows.first(); while t_row_ind is not null loop workbook.sheets( s ).rows( t_row_ind ).delete(); t_row_ind := workbook.sheets( s ) t_row_ind ); end loop; / workbook.sheets(s).rows := t_clear_rows; --lc_rows := t_clear_rows; / lc_rows := workbook.sheets( s ).rows; t_row_ind := lc_rows.first(); loop exit when t_row_ind is null; workbook.sheets( s ).rows( t_row_ind ).delete(); lc_rows( t_row_ind ).delete(); t_row_ind := t_row_ind ); end loop;/ --lc_rows.delete(); workbook.sheets(s).rows.delete(); workbook.sheets(s).widths.delete(); workbook.sheets(s).autofilters.delete(); workbook.sheets(s).hyperlinks.delete(); workbook.sheets(s).col_fmts.delete(); workbook.sheets(s).row_fmts.delete(); workbook.sheets(s).ments.delete(); workbook.sheets(s).mergecells.delete(); workbook.sheets(s).validations.delete(); end loop; workbook.strings.delete(); workbook.str_ind.delete(); workbook.fonts.delete(); workbook.fills.delete(); workbook.borders.delete(); workbook.numfmts.delete(); workbook.cellxfs.delete(); workbook.defined_names.delete(); workbook := null; g_query2sheet_footer := null; g_query2sheet_rows := null; end; -- procedure new_sheet(p_sheetname varchar2 := null) is t_nr pls_integer := workbook.sheets.count() + 1; t_ind pls_integer; begin workbook.sheets(t_nr).name := nvl(dbms_xmlgen.convert(translate(p_sheetname, 'a/\[]:?', 'a')), 'Sheet' || t_nr); if workbook.strings.count() = 0 then workbook.str_t := 0; end if; if workbook.fonts.count() = 0 then t_ind := get_font('Calibri'); end if; if workbook.fills.count() = 0 then t_ind := get_fill('none'); t_ind := get_fill('gray125'); end if; if workbook.borders.count() = 0 then t_ind := get_border('', '', '', ''); end if; end; -- procedure set_col_width(p_sheet pls_integer, p_col pls_integer, p_format varchar2) is t_width number; t_nr_chr pls_integer; begin if p_format is null then return; end if; if instr(p_format, ';') > 0 then t_nr_chr := length(translate(substr(p_format, 1, instr(p_format, ';') - 1), 'a\"', 'a')); else t_nr_chr := length(translate(p_format, 'a\"', 'a')); end if; t_width := trunc((t_nr_chr 7 + 5) / 7 256) / 256; -- assume default 11 point Calibri if workbook.sheets(p_sheet).widths.exists(p_col) then workbook.sheets(p_sheet).widths(p_col) := greatest(workbook.sheets(p_sheet) .widths(p_col), t_width); else workbook.sheets(p_sheet).widths(p_col) := greatest(t_width, 8.43); end if; end; -- function orafmt2excel(p_format varchar2 := null) return varchar2 is t_format varchar2(1000) := substr(p_format, 1, 1000); begin t_format := replace(replace(t_format, 'hh24', 'hh'), 'hh12', 'hh'); t_format := replace(t_format, 'mi', 'mm'); t_format := replace(replace(replace(t_format, 'AM', '~~'), 'PM', '~~'), '~~', 'AM/PM'); t_format := replace(replace(replace(t_format, 'am', '~~'), 'pm', '~~'), '~~', 'AM/PM'); t_format := replace(replace(t_format, 'day', 'DAY'), 'DAY', 'dddd'); t_format := replace(replace(t_format, 'dy', 'DY'), 'DAY', 'ddd'); t_format := replace(replace(t_format, 'RR', 'RR'), 'RR', 'YY'); t_format := replace(replace(t_format, 'month', 'MONTH'), 'MONTH', 'mmmm'); t_format := replace(replace(t_format, 'mon', 'MON'), 'MON', 'mmm'); return t_format; end; -- function get_numfmt(p_format varchar2 := null) return pls_integer is t_t pls_integer; t_numfmtid pls_integer; begin if p_format is null then return 0; end if; t_t := workbook.numfmts.count(); for i in 1 .. t_t loop if workbook.numfmts(i).formatcode = p_format then t_numfmtid := workbook.numfmts(i).numfmtid; exit; end if; end loop; if t_numfmtid is null then t_numfmtid := case when t_t = 0 then 164 else workbook.numfmts(t_t).numfmtid + 1 end; t_t := t_t + 1; workbook.numfmts(t_t).numfmtid := t_numfmtid; workbook.numfmts(t_t).formatcode := p_format; workbook.numfmtindexes(t_numfmtid) := t_t; end if; return t_numfmtid; end; -- function get_font(p_name varchar2, p_family pls_integer := 2, p_fontsize number := 11, p_theme pls_integer := 1, p_underline boolean := false, p_italic boolean := false, p_bold boolean := false, p_rgb varchar2 := null -- this is a hex ALPHA Red Green Blue value ) return pls_integer is t_ind pls_integer; begin if workbook.fonts.count() > 0 then for f in 0 .. workbook.fonts.count() - 1 loop if (workbook.fonts(f) .name = p_name and workbook.fonts(f).family = p_family and workbook.fonts(f) .fontsize = p_fontsize and workbook.fonts(f).theme = p_theme and workbook.fonts(f) .underline = p_underline and workbook.fonts(f).italic = p_italic and workbook.fonts(f) .bold = p_bold and (workbook.fonts(f) .rgb = p_rgb or (workbook.fonts(f).rgb is null and p_rgb is null))) then return f; end if; end loop; end if; t_ind := workbook.fonts.count(); workbook.fonts(t_ind).name := p_name; workbook.fonts(t_ind).family := p_family; workbook.fonts(t_ind).fontsize := p_fontsize; workbook.fonts(t_ind).theme := p_theme; workbook.fonts(t_ind).underline := p_underline; workbook.fonts(t_ind).italic := p_italic; workbook.fonts(t_ind).bold := p_bold; workbook.fonts(t_ind).rgb := p_rgb; return t_ind; end; -- function get_fill(p_patterntype varchar2, p_fgrgb varchar2 := null) return pls_integer is t_ind pls_integer; begin if workbook.fills.count() > 0 then for f in 0 .. workbook.fills.count() - 1 loop if (workbook.fills(f) .patterntype = p_patterntype and nvl(workbook.fills(f).fgrgb, 'x') = nvl(upper(p_fgrgb), 'x')) then return f; end if; end loop; end if; t_ind := workbook.fills.count(); workbook.fills(t_ind).patterntype := p_patterntype; workbook.fills(t_ind).fgrgb := upper(p_fgrgb); return t_ind; end; -- function get_border(p_ varchar2 := 'thin', p_bottom varchar2 := 'thin', p_left varchar2 := 'thin', p_right varchar2 := 'thin') return pls_integer is t_ind pls_integer; begin if workbook.borders.count() > 0 then for b in 0 .. workbook.borders.count() - 1 loop if (nvl(workbook.borders(b)., 'x') = nvl(p_, 'x') and nvl(workbook.borders(b).bottom, 'x') = nvl(p_bottom, 'x') and nvl(workbook.borders(b).left, 'x') = nvl(p_left, 'x') and nvl(workbook.borders(b).right, 'x') = nvl(p_right, 'x')) then return b; end if; end loop; end if; t_ind := workbook.borders.count(); workbook.borders(t_ind). := p_; workbook.borders(t_ind).bottom := p_bottom; workbook.borders(t_ind).left := p_left; workbook.borders(t_ind).right := p_right; return t_ind; end; -- function get_alignment(p_vertical varchar2 := null, p_horizontal varchar2 := null, p_wraptext boolean := null) return tp_alignment is t_rv tp_alignment; begin t_rv.vertical := p_vertical; t_rv.horizontal := p_horizontal; t_rv.wraptext := p_wraptext; return t_rv; end; -- function get_xfid(p_sheet pls_integer, p_col pls_integer, p_row pls_integer, p_numfmtid pls_integer := null, p_fontid pls_integer := null, p_fillid pls_integer := null, p_borderid pls_integer := null, p_alignment tp_alignment := null) return varchar2 is t_t pls_integer; t_xfid pls_integer; t_xf tp_xf_fmt; t_col_xf tp_xf_fmt; t_row_xf tp_xf_fmt; begin if workbook.sheets(p_sheet).col_fmts.exists(p_col) then t_col_xf := workbook.sheets(p_sheet).col_fmts(p_col); end if; if workbook.sheets(p_sheet).row_fmts.exists(p_row) then t_row_xf := workbook.sheets(p_sheet).row_fmts(p_row); end if; t_xf.numfmtid := coalesce(p_numfmtid, t_col_xf.numfmtid, t_row_xf.numfmtid, 0); t_xf.fontid := coalesce(p_fontid, t_col_xf.fontid, t_row_xf.fontid, 0); t_xf.fillid := coalesce(p_fillid, t_col_xf.fillid, t_row_xf.fillid, 0); t_xf.borderid := coalesce(p_borderid, t_col_xf.borderid, t_row_xf.borderid, 0); t_xf.alignment := coalesce(p_alignment, t_col_xf.alignment, t_row_xf.alignment); if (t_xf.numfmtid + t_xf.fontid + t_xf.fillid + t_xf.borderid = 0 and t_xf.alignment.vertical is null and t_xf.alignment.horizontal is null and not nvl(t_xf.alignment.wraptext, false)) then return ''; end if; if t_xf.numfmtid > 0 then set_col_width(p_sheet, p_col, workbook.numfmts(workbook.numfmtindexes(t_xf.numfmtid)) .formatcode); end if; t_t := workbook.cellxfs.count(); for i in 1 .. t_t loop if (workbook.cellxfs(i) .numfmtid = t_xf.numfmtid and workbook.cellxfs(i) .fontid = t_xf.fontid and workbook.cellxfs(i).fillid = t_xf.fillid and workbook.cellxfs(i) .borderid = t_xf.borderid and nvl(workbook.cellxfs(i).alignment.vertical, 'x') = nvl(t_xf.alignment.vertical, 'x') and nvl(workbook.cellxfs(i).alignment.horizontal, 'x') = nvl(t_xf.alignment.horizontal, 'x') and nvl(workbook.cellxfs(i).alignment.wraptext, false) = nvl(t_xf.alignment.wraptext, false)) then t_xfid := i; exit; end if; end loop; if t_xfid is null then t_t := t_t + 1; t_xfid := t_t; workbook.cellxfs(t_t) := t_xf; end if; return 's="' || t_xfid || '"'; end; -- procedure cell(p_col pls_integer, p_row pls_integer, p_value number, p_numfmtid pls_integer := null, p_fontid pls_integer := null, p_fillid pls_integer := null, p_borderid pls_integer := null, p_alignment tp_alignment := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is t_sheet pls_integer := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); begin workbook.sheets(t_sheet).rows(p_row)(p_col).value := p_value; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).rows(p_row)(p_col).style := null; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).rows(p_row)(p_col).style := get_xfid(t_sheet, p_col, p_row, p_numfmtid, p_fontid, p_fillid, p_borderid, p_alignment); end; -- function add_string(p_string varchar2) return pls_integer is t_t pls_integer; begin if workbook.strings.exists(p_string) then t_t := workbook.strings(p_string); else t_t := workbook.strings.count(); workbook.str_ind(t_t) := p_string; workbook.strings(nvl(p_string, '')) := t_t; end if; workbook.str_t := workbook.str_t + 1; return t_t; end; -- procedure cell(p_col pls_integer, p_row pls_integer, p_value varchar2, p_numfmtid pls_integer := null, p_fontid pls_integer := null, p_fillid pls_integer := null, p_borderid pls_integer := null, p_alignment tp_alignment := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is t_sheet pls_integer := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); t_alignment tp_alignment := p_alignment; begin workbook.sheets(t_sheet).rows(p_row)(p_col).value := add_string(p_value); if t_alignment.wraptext is null and instr(p_value, chr(13)) > 0 then t_alignment.wraptext := true; end if; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).rows(p_row)(p_col).style := 't="s" ' || get_xfid(t_sheet, p_col, p_row, p_numfmtid, p_fontid, p_fillid, p_borderid, t_alignment); end; -- procedure cell(p_col pls_integer, p_row pls_integer, p_value date, p_numfmtid pls_integer := null, p_fontid pls_integer := null, p_fillid pls_integer := null, p_borderid pls_integer := null, p_alignment tp_alignment := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is t_numfmtid pls_integer := p_numfmtid; t_sheet pls_integer := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); begin --这里必须要改为1900系统!否则不同的Excel之间的复制和黏贴会出问题!相差4年。 --因为Windows的Excel默认是1900系统。 --workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).rows( p_row )( p_col ).value := p_value - to_date('01-01-1904','DD-MM-YYYY'); workbook.sheets(t_sheet).rows(p_row)(p_col).value := p_value - to_date('01-03-1900', 'DD-MM-YYYY') + 61; if t_numfmtid is null and not (workbook.sheets(t_sheet).col_fmts.exists(p_col) and workbook.sheets(t_sheet).col_fmts(p_col) .numfmtid is not null) and not (workbook.sheets(t_sheet).row_fmts.exists(p_row) and workbook.sheets(t_sheet).row_fmts(p_row) .numfmtid is not null) then t_numfmtid := get_numfmt('yyyy-mm-dd'); --dd/mm/yyyy 2015.7.1修改 end if; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).rows(p_row)(p_col).style := get_xfid(t_sheet, p_col, p_row, t_numfmtid, p_fontid, p_fillid, p_borderid, p_alignment); end; -- procedure hyperlink(p_col pls_integer, p_row pls_integer, p_url varchar2, p_value varchar2 := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is t_ind pls_integer; t_sheet pls_integer := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); begin workbook.sheets(t_sheet).rows(p_row)(p_col).value := add_string(nvl(p_value, p_url)); workbook.sheets(t_sheet).rows(p_row)(p_col).style := 't="s" ' || get_xfid(t_sheet, p_col, p_row, '', get_font('Calibri', p_theme => 10, p_underline => true)); t_ind := workbook.sheets(t_sheet).hyperlinks.count() + 1; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).hyperlinks(t_ind).cell := alfan_col(p_col) || p_row; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).hyperlinks(t_ind).url := p_url; end; -- procedure ment(p_col pls_integer, p_row pls_integer, p_text varchar2, p_author varchar2 := null, p_width pls_integer := 150, p_height pls_integer := 100, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is t_ind pls_integer; t_sheet pls_integer := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); begin t_ind := workbook.sheets(t_sheet).ments.count() + 1; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).ments(t_ind).row := p_row; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).ments(t_ind).column := p_col; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).ments(t_ind).text := dbms_xmlgen.convert(p_text); workbook.sheets(t_sheet).ments(t_ind).author := dbms_xmlgen.convert(p_author); workbook.sheets(t_sheet).ments(t_ind).width := p_width; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).ments(t_ind).height := p_height; end; -- procedure mergecells(p_tl_col pls_integer -- left , p_tl_row pls_integer, p_br_col pls_integer -- bottom right , p_br_row pls_integer, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is t_ind pls_integer; t_sheet pls_integer := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); begin t_ind := workbook.sheets(t_sheet).mergecells.count() + 1; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).mergecells(t_ind) := alfan_col(p_tl_col) || p_tl_row || ':' || alfan_col(p_br_col) || p_br_row; end; -- procedure add_validation(p_type varchar2, p_sqref varchar2, p_style varchar2 := 's' -- s, warning, information , p_formula1 varchar2 := null, p_formula2 varchar2 := null, p_title varchar2 := null, p_prompt varchar := null, p_show_error boolean := false, p_error_title varchar2 := null, p_error_txt varchar2 := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is t_ind pls_integer; t_sheet pls_integer := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); begin t_ind := workbook.sheets(t_sheet).validations.count() + 1; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).validations(t_ind).type := p_type; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).validations(t_ind).errorstyle := p_style; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).validations(t_ind).sqref := p_sqref; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).validations(t_ind).formula1 := p_formula1; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).validations(t_ind).error_title := p_error_title; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).validations(t_ind).error_txt := p_error_txt; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).validations(t_ind).title := p_title; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).validations(t_ind).prompt := p_prompt; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).validations(t_ind).showerrormessage := p_show_error; end; -- procedure list_validation(p_sqref_col pls_integer, p_sqref_row pls_integer, p_tl_col pls_integer -- left , p_tl_row pls_integer, p_br_col pls_integer -- bottom right , p_br_row pls_integer, p_style varchar2 := 's' -- s, warning, information , p_title varchar2 := null, p_prompt varchar := null, p_show_error boolean := false, p_error_title varchar2 := null, p_error_txt varchar2 := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is begin add_validation('list', alfan_col(p_sqref_col) || p_sqref_row, p_style => lower(p_style), p_formula1 => '$' || alfan_col(p_tl_col) || '$' || p_tl_row || ':$' || alfan_col(p_br_col) || '$' || p_br_row, p_title => p_title, p_prompt => p_prompt, p_show_error => p_show_error, p_error_title => p_error_title, p_error_txt => p_error_txt, p_sheet => p_sheet); end; -- procedure list_validation(p_sqref_col pls_integer, p_sqref_row pls_integer, p_defined_name varchar2, p_style varchar2 := 's' -- s, warning, information , p_title varchar2 := null, p_prompt varchar := null, p_show_error boolean := false, p_error_title varchar2 := null, p_error_txt varchar2 := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is begin add_validation('list', alfan_col(p_sqref_col) || p_sqref_row, p_style => lower(p_style), p_formula1 => p_defined_name, p_title => p_title, p_prompt => p_prompt, p_show_error => p_show_error, p_error_title => p_error_title, p_error_txt => p_error_txt, p_sheet => p_sheet); end; -- procedure defined_name(p_tl_col pls_integer -- left , p_tl_row pls_integer, p_br_col pls_integer -- bottom right , p_br_row pls_integer, p_name varchar2, p_sheet pls_integer := null, p_localsheet pls_integer := null) is t_ind pls_integer; t_sheet pls_integer := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); begin t_ind := workbook.defined_names.count() + 1; workbook.defined_names(t_ind).name := p_name; workbook.defined_names(t_ind).ref := 'Sheet' || t_sheet || '!$' || alfan_col(p_tl_col) || '$' || p_tl_row || ':$' || alfan_col(p_br_col) || '$' || p_br_row; workbook.defined_names(t_ind).sheet := p_localsheet; end; -- procedure set_column_width(p_col pls_integer, p_width number, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is begin workbook.sheets(nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count())).widths(p_col) := p_width; end; -- procedure set_column(p_col pls_integer, p_numfmtid pls_integer := null, p_fontid pls_integer := null, p_fillid pls_integer := null, p_borderid pls_integer := null, p_alignment tp_alignment := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is t_sheet pls_integer := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); begin workbook.sheets(t_sheet).col_fmts(p_col).numfmtid := p_numfmtid; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).col_fmts(p_col).fontid := p_fontid; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).col_fmts(p_col).fillid := p_fillid; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).col_fmts(p_col).borderid := p_borderid; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).col_fmts(p_col).alignment := p_alignment; end; -- procedure set_row(p_row pls_integer, p_numfmtid pls_integer := null, p_fontid pls_integer := null, p_fillid pls_integer := null, p_borderid pls_integer := null, p_alignment tp_alignment := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is t_sheet pls_integer := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); begin workbook.sheets(t_sheet).row_fmts(p_row).numfmtid := p_numfmtid; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).row_fmts(p_row).fontid := p_fontid; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).row_fmts(p_row).fillid := p_fillid; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).row_fmts(p_row).borderid := p_borderid; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).row_fmts(p_row).alignment := p_alignment; end; -- procedure freeze_rows(p_nr_rows pls_integer := 1, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is t_sheet pls_integer := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); begin workbook.sheets(t_sheet).freeze_cols := null; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).freeze_rows := p_nr_rows; end; -- procedure freeze_cols(p_nr_cols pls_integer := 1, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is t_sheet pls_integer := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); begin workbook.sheets(t_sheet).freeze_rows := null; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).freeze_cols := p_nr_cols; end; -- procedure freeze_pane(p_col pls_integer, p_row pls_integer, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is t_sheet pls_integer := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); begin workbook.sheets(t_sheet).freeze_rows := p_row; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).freeze_cols := p_col; end; -- procedure set_autofilter(p_column_start pls_integer := null, p_column_end pls_integer := null, p_row_start pls_integer := null, p_row_end pls_integer := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null) is t_ind pls_integer; t_sheet pls_integer := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); begin t_ind := 1; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).autofilters(t_ind).column_start := p_column_start; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).autofilters(t_ind).column_end := p_column_end; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).autofilters(t_ind).row_start := p_row_start; workbook.sheets(t_sheet).autofilters(t_ind).row_end := p_row_end; defined_name(p_column_start, p_row_start, p_column_end, p_row_end, '_xlnm._FilterDatabase', t_sheet, t_sheet - 1); end; -- / procedure add1xml ( p_excel in out nocopy blob , p_filename varchar2 , p_xml clob ) is t_tmp blob; c_step constant number := 24396; begin dbms_lob.createtemporary( t_tmp, true ); for i in 0 .. trunc( length( p_xml ) / c_step ) loop dbms_lob.append( t_tmp, utl_i18n.string_to_raw( substr( p_xml, i c_step + 1, c_step ), 'AL32UTF8' ) ); end loop; add1file( p_excel, p_filename, t_tmp ); dbms_lob.freetemporary( t_tmp ); end; / -- procedure add1xml(p_excel in out nocopy blob, p_filename varchar2, p_xml clob) is t_tmp blob; dest_offset integer := 1; src_offset integer := 1; lang_context integer; warning integer; begin lang_context := dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx; dbms_lob.createtemporary(t_tmp, true); dbms_lob.converttoblob(t_tmp, p_xml, dbms_lob.lobmaxsize, dest_offset, src_offset, nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8'), lang_context, warning); add1file(p_excel, p_filename, t_tmp); dbms_lob.freetemporary(t_tmp); end; -- function finish return blob is t_excel blob; t_xxx clob; t_tmp varchar2(32767 char); --t_tmp clob; t_str varchar2(32767 char); t_c number; t_h number; t_w number; t_cw number; t_cell varchar2(1000 char); t_row_ind pls_integer; t_col_min pls_integer; t_col_max pls_integer; t_col_ind pls_integer; t_len pls_integer; ts timestamp := systimestamp; --- l_debug_time date; begin if g_debug_mode then debuglog('finish(+)'); l_debug_time := sysdate; end if; dbms_lob.createtemporary(t_excel, true); t_xxx := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Types xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats./package/2006/content-types"> <Default Extension="rels" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml"/> <Default Extension="xml" ContentType="application/xml"/> <Default Extension="vml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.vmlDrawing"/> <Override PartName="/xl/workbook.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml"/>'; for s in 1 .. workbook.sheets.count() loop t_xxx := t_xxx || ' <Override PartName="/xl/worksheets/sheet' || s || '.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml"/>'; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || ' <Override PartName="/xl/theme/theme1.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.theme+xml"/> <Override PartName="/xl/styles.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml"/> <Override PartName="/xl/sharedStrings.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sharedStrings+xml"/> <Override PartName="/docProps/core.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml"/> <Override PartName="/docProps/app.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extended-properties+xml"/>'; for s in 1 .. workbook.sheets.count() loop if workbook.sheets(s).ments.count() > 0 then t_xxx := t_xxx || ' <Override PartName="/xl/ments' || s || '.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.ments+xml"/>'; end if; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || ' </Types>'; add1xml(t_excel, '[Content_Types].xml', t_xxx); t_xxx := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <cp:coreProperties xmlns:cp="http://schemas.openxmlformats./package/2006/metadata/core-properties" xmlns:dc="http://purl./dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl./dc/terms/" xmlns:dcmitype="http://purl./dc/dcmitype/" xmlns:xsi="http://.w3./2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <dc:creator>' || sys_context('userenv', 'os_user') || '</dc:creator> <cp:lastModifiedBy>' || sys_context('userenv', 'os_user') || '</cp:lastModifiedBy> <dcterms:created xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">' || to_char(current_timestamp, 'yyyy-mm-dd"T"hh24:mi:ssTZH:TZM') || '</dcterms:created> <dcterms:modified xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">' || to_char(current_timestamp, 'yyyy-mm-dd"T"hh24:mi:ssTZH:TZM') || '</dcterms:modified> </cp:coreProperties>'; add1xml(t_excel, 'docProps/core.xml', t_xxx); t_xxx := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Properties xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats./officeDocument/2006/extended-properties" xmlns:vt="http://schemas.openxmlformats./officeDocument/2006/docPropsVTypes"> <Application>Microsoft Excel</Application> <DocSecurity>0</DocSecurity> <ScaleCrop>false</ScaleCrop> <HeadingPairs> <vt:vector size="2" baseType="variant"> <vt:variant> <vt:lpstr>Worksheets</vt:lpstr> </vt:variant> <vt:variant> <vt:i4>' || workbook.sheets.count() || '</vt:i4> </vt:variant> </vt:vector> </HeadingPairs> <TitlesOfParts> <vt:vector size="' || workbook.sheets.count() || '" baseType="lpstr">'; for s in 1 .. workbook.sheets.count() loop t_xxx := t_xxx || ' <vt:lpstr>' || workbook.sheets(s).name || '</vt:lpstr>'; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</vt:vector> </TitlesOfParts> <LinksUpToDate>false</LinksUpToDate> <SharedDoc>false</SharedDoc> <HyperlinksChanged>false</HyperlinksChanged> <AppVersion>14.0300</AppVersion> </Properties>'; add1xml(t_excel, 'docProps/app.xml', t_xxx); t_xxx := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Relationships xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats./package/2006/relationships"> <Relationship Id="rId3" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats./officeDocument/2006/relationships/extended-properties" Target="docProps/app.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId2" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats./package/2006/relationships/metadata/core-properties" Target="docProps/core.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId1" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats./officeDocument/2006/relationships/officeDocument" Target="xl/workbook.xml"/> </Relationships>'; add1xml(t_excel, '_rels/.rels', t_xxx); t_xxx := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <styleSheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats./spreadsheetml/2006/main" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats./markup-patibility/2006" mc:Ignorable="x14ac" xmlns:x14ac="">'; if workbook.numfmts.count() > 0 then t_xxx := t_xxx || '<numFmts count="' || workbook.numfmts.count() || '">'; for n in 1 .. workbook.numfmts.count() loop t_xxx := t_xxx || '<numFmt numFmtId="' || workbook.numfmts(n) .numfmtid || '" formatCode="' || workbook.numfmts(n) .formatcode || '"/>'; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</numFmts>'; end if; t_xxx := t_xxx || '<fonts count="' || workbook.fonts.count() || '" x14ac:knownFonts="1">'; for f in 0 .. workbook.fonts.count() - 1 loop t_xxx := t_xxx || '<font>' || case when workbook.fonts(f).bold then '<b/>' end || case when workbook.fonts(f).italic then '<i/>' end || case when workbook.fonts(f).underline then '<u/>' end || '<sz val="' || to_char(workbook.fonts(f).fontsize, 'TM9', 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=.,') || '"/> <color ' || case when workbook.fonts(f).rgb is not null then 'rgb="' || workbook.fonts(f).rgb else 'theme="' || workbook.fonts(f).theme end || '"/> <name val="' || workbook.fonts(f).name || '"/> <family val="' || workbook.fonts(f).family || '"/> <scheme val="none"/> </font>'; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</fonts> <fills count="' || workbook.fills.count() || '">'; for f in 0 .. workbook.fills.count() - 1 loop t_xxx := t_xxx || '<fill><patternFill patternType="' || workbook.fills(f) .patterntype || '">' || case when workbook.fills(f).fgrgb is not null then '<fgColor rgb="' || workbook.fills(f).fgrgb || '"/>' end || '</patternFill></fill>'; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</fills> <borders count="' || workbook.borders.count() || '">'; for b in 0 .. workbook.borders.count() - 1 loop t_xxx := t_xxx || '<border>' || case when workbook.borders(b).left is null then '<left/>' else '<left style="' || workbook.borders(b).left || '"/>' end || case when workbook.borders(b).right is null then '<right/>' else '<right style="' || workbook.borders(b).right || '"/>' end || case when workbook.borders(b). is null then '</>' else '< style="' || workbook.borders(b). || '"/>' end || case when workbook.borders(b).bottom is null then '<bottom/>' else '<bottom style="' || workbook.borders(b).bottom || '"/>' end || '</border>'; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</borders> <cellStyleXfs count="1"> <xf numFmtId="0" fontId="0" fillId="0" borderId="0"/> </cellStyleXfs> <cellXfs count="' || (workbook.cellxfs.count() + 1) || '"> <xf numFmtId="0" fontId="0" fillId="0" borderId="0" xfId="0"/>'; for x in 1 .. workbook.cellxfs.count() loop t_xxx := t_xxx || '<xf numFmtId="' || workbook.cellxfs(x).numfmtid || '" fontId="' || workbook.cellxfs(x).fontid || '" fillId="' || workbook.cellxfs(x) .fillid || '" borderId="' || workbook.cellxfs(x).borderid || '">'; if (workbook.cellxfs(x).alignment.horizontal is not null or workbook.cellxfs(x) .alignment.vertical is not null or workbook.cellxfs(x) .alignment.wraptext) then t_xxx := t_xxx || '<alignment' || case when workbook.cellxfs(x).alignment.horizontal is not null then ' horizontal="' || workbook.cellxfs(x).alignment.horizontal || '"' end || case when workbook.cellxfs(x).alignment.vertical is not null then ' vertical="' || workbook.cellxfs(x).alignment.vertical || '"' end || case when workbook.cellxfs(x).alignment.wraptext then ' wrapText="true"' end || '/>'; end if; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</xf>'; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</cellXfs> <cellStyles count="1"> <cellStyle name="Normal" xfId="0" builtinId="0"/> </cellStyles> <dxfs count="0"/> <tableStyles count="0" defaultTableStyle="TableStyleMedium2" defaultPivotStyle="PivotStyleLight16"/> <extLst> <ext uri="{EB79DEF2-80B8-43e5-95BD-54CBDDF9020C}" xmlns:x14=""> <x14:slicerStyles defaultSlicerStyle="SlicerStyleLight1"/> </ext> </extLst> </styleSheet>'; add1xml(t_excel, 'xl/styles.xml', t_xxx); --<workbookPr date1904="true" defaultThemeVersion="124226"/> t_xxx := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <workbook xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats./spreadsheetml/2006/main" xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats./officeDocument/2006/relationships"> <fileVersion appName="xl" lastEdited="5" lowestEdited="5" rupBuild="9302"/> <workbookPr date1904="false" defaultThemeVersion="124226"/> <bookViews> <workbookView xWindow="120" yWindow="45" windowWidth="19155" windowHeight="4935"/> </bookViews> <sheets>'; for s in 1 .. workbook.sheets.count() loop t_xxx := t_xxx || ' <sheet name="' || workbook.sheets(s).name || '" sheetId="' || s || '" r:id="rId' || (9 + s) || '"/>'; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</sheets>'; if workbook.defined_names.count() > 0 then t_xxx := t_xxx || '<definedNames>'; for s in 1 .. workbook.defined_names.count() loop t_xxx := t_xxx || ' <definedName name="' || workbook.defined_names(s).name || '"' || case when workbook.defined_names(s).sheet is not null then ' localSheetId="' || to_char(workbook.defined_names(s).sheet) || '"' end || '>' || workbook.defined_names(s).ref || '</definedName>'; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</definedNames>'; end if; t_xxx := t_xxx || '<calcPr calcId="144525"/></workbook>'; add1xml(t_excel, 'xl/workbook.xml', t_xxx); t_xxx := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <a:theme xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats./drawingml/2006/main" name="Office Theme"> <a:themeElements> <a:clrScheme name="Office"> <a:dk1> <a:sysClr val="windowText" lastClr="000000"/> </a:dk1> <a:lt1> <a:sysClr val="window" lastClr="FFFFFF"/> </a:lt1> <a:dk2> <a:srgbClr val="1F497D"/> </a:dk2> <a:lt2> <a:srgbClr val="EEECE1"/> </a:lt2> <a:aent1> <a:srgbClr val="4F81BD"/> </a:aent1> <a:aent2> <a:srgbClr val="C0504D"/> </a:aent2> <a:aent3> <a:srgbClr val="9BBB59"/> </a:aent3> <a:aent4> <a:srgbClr val="8064A2"/> </a:aent4> <a:aent5> <a:srgbClr val="4BACC6"/> </a:aent5> <a:aent6> <a:srgbClr val="F79646"/> </a:aent6> <a:hlink> <a:srgbClr val="0000FF"/> </a:hlink> <a:folHlink> <a:srgbClr val="800080"/> </a:folHlink> 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<a:fillStyleLst> <a:solidFill> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"/> </a:solidFill> <a:gradFill rotWithShape="1"> <a:gsLst> <a:gs pos="0"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:tint val="50000"/> <a:satMod val="300000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> <a:gs pos="35000"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:tint val="37000"/> <a:satMod val="300000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> <a:gs pos="100000"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:tint val="15000"/> <a:satMod val="350000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> </a:gsLst> <a:lin ang="16200000" scaled="1"/> </a:gradFill> <a:gradFill rotWithShape="1"> <a:gsLst> <a:gs pos="0"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:shade val="51000"/> <a:satMod val="130000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> <a:gs pos="80000"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:shade val="93000"/> <a:satMod val="130000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> <a:gs pos="100000"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:shade val="94000"/> <a:satMod val="135000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> </a:gsLst> <a:lin ang="16200000" scaled="0"/> </a:gradFill> </a:fillStyleLst> <a:lnStyleLst> <a:ln w="9525" cap="flat" cmpd="sng" algn="ctr"> <a:solidFill> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:shade val="95000"/> <a:satMod val="105000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:solidFill> <a:prstDash val="solid"/> </a:ln> <a:ln w="25400" cap="flat" cmpd="sng" algn="ctr"> <a:solidFill> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"/> </a:solidFill> <a:prstDash val="solid"/> </a:ln> <a:ln w="38100" cap="flat" cmpd="sng" algn="ctr"> <a:solidFill> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"/> </a:solidFill> <a:prstDash val="solid"/> </a:ln> </a:lnStyleLst> <a:effectStyleLst> <a:effectStyle> <a:effectLst> <a:outerShdw blurRad="40000" dist="20000" dir="5400000" rotWithShape="0"> <a:srgbClr val="000000"> <a:alpha val="38000"/> </a:srgbClr> </a:outerShdw> </a:effectLst> </a:effectStyle> <a:effectStyle> <a:effectLst> <a:outerShdw blurRad="40000" dist="23000" dir="5400000" rotWithShape="0"> <a:srgbClr val="000000"> <a:alpha val="35000"/> </a:srgbClr> </a:outerShdw> </a:effectLst> </a:effectStyle> <a:effectStyle> <a:effectLst> <a:outerShdw blurRad="40000" dist="23000" dir="5400000" rotWithShape="0"> <a:srgbClr val="000000"> <a:alpha val="35000"/> </a:srgbClr> </a:outerShdw> </a:effectLst> <a:scene3d> <a:camera prst="orthographicFront"> <a:rot lat="0" lon="0" rev="0"/> </a:camera> <a:lightRig rig="threePt" dir="t"> <a:rot lat="0" lon="0" rev="1200000"/> </a:lightRig> </a:scene3d> <a:sp3d> <a:bevelT w="63500" h="25400"/> </a:sp3d> </a:effectStyle> </a:effectStyleLst> <a:bgFillStyleLst> <a:solidFill> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"/> </a:solidFill> <a:gradFill rotWithShape="1"> <a:gsLst> <a:gs pos="0"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:tint val="40000"/> <a:satMod val="350000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> <a:gs pos="40000"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:tint val="45000"/> <a:shade val="99000"/> <a:satMod val="350000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> <a:gs pos="100000"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:shade val="20000"/> <a:satMod val="255000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> </a:gsLst> <a:path path="circle"> <a:fillToRect l="50000" t="-80000" r="50000" b="180000"/> </a:path> </a:gradFill> <a:gradFill rotWithShape="1"> <a:gsLst> <a:gs pos="0"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:tint val="80000"/> <a:satMod val="300000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> <a:gs pos="100000"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:shade val="30000"/> <a:satMod val="200000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> </a:gsLst> <a:path path="circle"> <a:fillToRect l="50000" t="50000" r="50000" b="50000"/> </a:path> </a:gradFill> </a:bgFillStyleLst> </a:fmtScheme> </a:themeElements> <a:objectDefaults/> <a:extraClrSchemeLst/> </a:theme>'; add1xml(t_excel, 'xl/theme/theme1.xml', t_xxx); if g_debug_mode then debuglog('Stp1 run time(sec):' || round((sysdate - l_debug_time) 24 60 60, 2)); l_debug_time := sysdate; end if; for s in 1 .. workbook.sheets.count() loop t_col_min := 16384; t_col_max := 1; ---CHANGE 2015.5.27 BY SAM.T / t_row_ind := workbook.sheets( s ).rows.first(); while t_row_ind is not null loop t_col_min := least( t_col_min, workbook.sheets( s ).rows( t_row_ind ).first() ); t_col_max := greatest( t_col_max, workbook.sheets( s ).rows( t_row_ind ).last() ); t_row_ind := workbook.sheets( s ) t_row_ind ); end loop; / lc_rows := workbook.sheets(s).rows; t_row_ind := lc_rows.first(); loop exit when t_row_ind is null; t_col_min := least(t_col_min, lc_rows(t_row_ind).first()); t_col_max := greatest(t_col_max, lc_rows(t_row_ind).last()); t_row_ind :=; end loop; --- t_xxx := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <worksheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats./spreadsheetml/2006/main" xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats./officeDocument/2006/relationships" xmlns:xdr="http://schemas.openxmlformats./drawingml/2006/spreadsheetDrawing" xmlns:x14="" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats./markup-patibility/2006" mc:Ignorable="x14ac" xmlns:x14ac=""> <dimension ref="' || alfan_col(t_col_min) || workbook.sheets(s) .rows.first() || ':' || alfan_col(t_col_max) || workbook.sheets(s) .rows.last() || '"/> <sheetViews> <sheetView' || case when s = 1 then ' tabSelected="1"' end || ' workbookViewId="0">'; if workbook.sheets(s) .freeze_rows > 0 and workbook.sheets(s).freeze_cols > 0 then t_xxx := t_xxx || ('<pane xSplit="' || workbook.sheets(s) .freeze_cols || '" ' || 'ySplit="' || workbook.sheets(s) .freeze_rows || '" ' || 'LeftCell="' || alfan_col(workbook.sheets(s).freeze_cols + 1) || (workbook.sheets(s).freeze_rows + 1) || '" ' || 'activePane="bottomLeft" state="frozen"/>'); else if workbook.sheets(s).freeze_rows > 0 then t_xxx := t_xxx || '<pane ySplit="' || workbook.sheets(s) .freeze_rows || '" LeftCell="A' || (workbook.sheets(s).freeze_rows + 1) || '" activePane="bottomLeft" state="frozen"/>'; end if; if workbook.sheets(s).freeze_cols > 0 then t_xxx := t_xxx || '<pane xSplit="' || workbook.sheets(s) .freeze_cols || '" LeftCell="' || alfan_col(workbook.sheets(s).freeze_cols + 1) || '1" activePane="bottomLeft" state="frozen"/>'; end if; end if; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</sheetView> </sheetViews> <sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight="15" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"/>'; if workbook.sheets(s).widths.count() > 0 then t_xxx := t_xxx || '<cols>'; t_col_ind := workbook.sheets(s).widths.first(); while t_col_ind is not null loop t_xxx := t_xxx || '<col min="' || t_col_ind || '" max="' || t_col_ind || '" width="' || to_char(workbook.sheets(s).widths(t_col_ind), 'TM9', 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=.,') || '" customWidth="1"/>'; t_col_ind := workbook.sheets(s); end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</cols>'; end if; t_xxx := t_xxx || '<sheetData>'; ---CHANGE 2015.5.27 BY SAM.T / t_row_ind := workbook.sheets( s ).rows.first(); t_tmp := null; while t_row_ind is not null loop t_tmp := t_tmp || '<row r="' || t_row_ind || '" spans="' || t_col_min || ':' || t_col_max || '">'; t_len := length( t_tmp ); t_col_ind := workbook.sheets( s ).rows( t_row_ind ).first(); while t_col_ind is not null loop t_cell := '<c r="' || alfan_col( t_col_ind ) || t_row_ind || '"' || ' ' || workbook.sheets( s ).rows( t_row_ind )( t_col_ind ).style || '><v>' || to_char( workbook.sheets( s ).rows( t_row_ind )( t_col_ind ).value, 'TM9', 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=.,' ) || '</v></c>'; if t_len > 32000 then dbms_lob.writeappend( t_xxx, t_len, t_tmp ); t_tmp := null; t_len := 0; end if; t_tmp := t_tmp || t_cell; t_len := t_len + length( t_cell ); t_col_ind := workbook.sheets( s ).rows( t_row_ind ).next( t_col_ind ); end loop; t_tmp := t_tmp || '</row>'; t_row_ind := workbook.sheets( s ) t_row_ind ); end loop; / t_row_ind := lc_rows.first(); t_tmp := null; while t_row_ind is not null loop t_tmp := t_tmp || '<row r="' || t_row_ind || '" spans="' || t_col_min || ':' || t_col_max || '">'; t_len := length(t_tmp); t_col_ind := lc_rows(t_row_ind).first(); while t_col_ind is not null loop t_cell := '<c r="' || alfan_col(t_col_ind) || t_row_ind || '"' || ' ' || workbook.sheets(s) .rows(t_row_ind)(t_col_ind) .style || '><v>' || to_char(lc_rows(t_row_ind)(t_col_ind).value, 'TM9', 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=.,') || q'[</v></c>]'; if t_len > 32000 then --modified by jinzhao writeappend->append --dbms_lob.writeappend( t_xxx, t_len, t_tmp ); dbms_lob.append(t_xxx, t_tmp); t_tmp := null; t_len := 0; end if; t_tmp := t_tmp || t_cell; t_len := t_len + length(t_cell); t_col_ind := lc_rows(t_row_ind).next(t_col_ind); end loop; t_tmp := t_tmp || '</row>'; t_row_ind :=; end loop; ------------ t_tmp := t_tmp || '</sheetData>'; t_len := length(t_tmp); --modified by jinzhao writeappend->append --dbms_lob.writeappend( t_xxx, t_len, t_tmp ); dbms_lob.append(t_xxx, t_tmp); for a in 1 .. workbook.sheets(s).autofilters.count() loop t_xxx := t_xxx || '<autoFilter ref="' || alfan_col(nvl(workbook.sheets(s).autofilters(a) .column_start, t_col_min)) || nvl(workbook.sheets(s).autofilters(a).row_start, workbook.sheets(s).rows.first()) || ':' || alfan_col(coalesce(workbook.sheets(s).autofilters(a) .column_end, workbook.sheets(s).autofilters(a) .column_start, t_col_max)) || nvl(workbook.sheets(s).autofilters(a).row_end, workbook.sheets(s).rows.last()) || '"/>'; end loop; if workbook.sheets(s).mergecells.count() > 0 then t_xxx := t_xxx || '<mergeCells count="' || to_char(workbook.sheets(s).mergecells.count()) || '">'; for m in 1 .. workbook.sheets(s).mergecells.count() loop t_xxx := t_xxx || '<mergeCell ref="' || workbook.sheets(s) .mergecells(m) || '"/>'; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</mergeCells>'; end if; -- if workbook.sheets(s).validations.count() > 0 then t_xxx := t_xxx || '<dataValidations count="' || to_char(workbook.sheets(s).validations.count()) || '">'; for m in 1 .. workbook.sheets(s).validations.count() loop t_xxx := t_xxx || '<dataValidation' || ' type="' || workbook.sheets(s).validations(m).type || '"' || ' errorStyle="' || workbook.sheets(s).validations(m) .errorstyle || '"' || ' allowBlank="' || case when nvl(workbook.sheets(s).validations(m).allowblank, true) then '1' else '0' end || '"' || ' sqref="' || workbook.sheets(s).validations(m) .sqref || '"'; if workbook.sheets(s).validations(m).prompt is not null then t_xxx := t_xxx || ' showInputMessage="1" prompt="' || workbook.sheets(s).validations(m) .prompt || '"'; if workbook.sheets(s).validations(m).title is not null then t_xxx := t_xxx || ' promptTitle="' || workbook.sheets(s).validations(m) .title || '"'; end if; end if; if workbook.sheets(s).validations(m).showerrormessage then t_xxx := t_xxx || ' showErrorMessage="1"'; if workbook.sheets(s).validations(m).error_title is not null then t_xxx := t_xxx || ' errorTitle="' || workbook.sheets(s).validations(m) .error_title || '"'; end if; if workbook.sheets(s).validations(m).error_txt is not null then t_xxx := t_xxx || ' error="' || workbook.sheets(s).validations(m) .error_txt || '"'; end if; end if; t_xxx := t_xxx || '>'; if workbook.sheets(s).validations(m).formula1 is not null then t_xxx := t_xxx || '<formula1>' || workbook.sheets(s).validations(m) .formula1 || '</formula1>'; end if; if workbook.sheets(s).validations(m).formula2 is not null then t_xxx := t_xxx || '<formula2>' || workbook.sheets(s).validations(m) .formula2 || '</formula2>'; end if; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</dataValidation>'; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</dataValidations>'; end if; -- if workbook.sheets(s).hyperlinks.count() > 0 then t_xxx := t_xxx || '<hyperlinks>'; for h in 1 .. workbook.sheets(s).hyperlinks.count() loop t_xxx := t_xxx || '<hyperlink ref="' || workbook.sheets(s).hyperlinks(h).cell || '" r:id="rId' || h || '"/>'; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</hyperlinks>'; end if; t_xxx := t_xxx || '<pageMargins left="0.7" right="0.7" ="0.75" bottom="0.75" header="0.3" footer="0.3"/>'; if workbook.sheets(s).ments.count() > 0 then t_xxx := t_xxx || '<legacyDrawing r:id="rId' || (workbook.sheets(s).hyperlinks.count() + 1) || '"/>'; end if; -- t_xxx := t_xxx || '</worksheet>'; add1xml(t_excel, 'xl/worksheets/sheet' || s || '.xml', t_xxx); if workbook.sheets(s) .hyperlinks.count() > 0 or workbook.sheets(s).ments.count() > 0 then t_xxx := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Relationships xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats./package/2006/relationships">'; if workbook.sheets(s).ments.count() > 0 then t_xxx := t_xxx || '<Relationship Id="rId' || (workbook.sheets(s).hyperlinks.count() + 2) || '" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats./officeDocument/2006/relationships/ments" Target="../ments' || s || '.xml"/>'; t_xxx := t_xxx || '<Relationship Id="rId' || (workbook.sheets(s).hyperlinks.count() + 1) || '" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats./officeDocument/2006/relationships/vmlDrawing" Target="../drawings/vmlDrawing' || s || '.vml"/>'; end if; for h in 1 .. workbook.sheets(s).hyperlinks.count() loop t_xxx := t_xxx || '<Relationship Id="rId' || h || '" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats./officeDocument/2006/relationships/hyperlink" Target="' || workbook.sheets(s).hyperlinks(h).url || '" TargetMode="External"/>'; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</Relationships>'; add1xml(t_excel, 'xl/worksheets/_rels/sheet' || s || '.xml.rels', t_xxx); end if; -- if workbook.sheets(s).ments.count() > 0 then declare t pls_integer; author_ind tp_author; -- t_col_ind := workbook.sheets( s ) t_col_ind ); begin authors.delete(); for c in 1 .. workbook.sheets(s).ments.count() loop authors(workbook.sheets(s).ments(c).author) := 0; end loop; t_xxx := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <ments xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats./spreadsheetml/2006/main"> <authors>'; t := 0; author_ind := authors.first(); while author_ind is not null or is not null loop authors(author_ind) := t; t_xxx := t_xxx || '<author>' || author_ind || '</author>'; t := t + 1; author_ind :=; end loop; end; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</authors><mentList>'; for c in 1 .. workbook.sheets(s).ments.count() loop t_xxx := t_xxx || '<ment ref="' || alfan_col(workbook.sheets(s).ments(c).column) || to_char(workbook.sheets(s).ments(c) .row || '" authorId="' || authors(workbook.sheets(s).ments(c).author)) || '"> <text>'; if workbook.sheets(s).ments(c).author is not null then t_xxx := t_xxx || '<r><rPr><b/><sz val="9"/><color indexed="81"/><rFont val="Tahoma"/><charset val="1"/></rPr><t xml:space="preserve">' || workbook.sheets(s).ments(c) .author || ':</t></r>'; end if; t_xxx := t_xxx || '<r><rPr><sz val="9"/><color indexed="81"/><rFont val="Tahoma"/><charset val="1"/></rPr><t xml:space="preserve">' || case when workbook.sheets(s).ments(c).author is not null then ' ' end || workbook.sheets(s).ments(c).text || '</t></r></text></ment>'; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</mentList></ments>'; add1xml(t_excel, 'xl/ments' || s || '.xml', t_xxx); t_xxx := '<xml xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-:office:excel"> <o:shapelayout v:ext="edit"><o:idmap v:ext="edit" data="2"/></o:shapelayout> <v:shapetype id="_x0000_t202" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="202" path="m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe"><v:stroke joinstyle="miter"/><v:path gradientshapeok="t" o:connecttype="rect"/></v:shapetype>'; for c in 1 .. workbook.sheets(s).ments.count() loop t_xxx := t_xxx || '<v:shape id="_x0000_s' || to_char(c) || '" type="#_x0000_t202" style="position:absolute;margin-left:35.25pt;margin-:3pt;z-index:' || to_char(c) || ';visibility:hidden;" fillcolor="#ffffe1" o:insetmode="auto"> <v:fill color2="#ffffe1"/><v:shadow on="t" color="black" obscured="t"/><v:path o:connecttype="none"/> <v:textbox style="mso-direction-alt:auto"><div style="text-align:left"></div></v:textbox> <x:ClientData ObjectType="Note"><x:MoveWithCells/><x:SizeWithCells/>'; t_w := workbook.sheets(s).ments(c).width; t_c := 1; loop if workbook.sheets(s) .widths.exists(workbook.sheets(s).ments(c).column + t_c) then t_cw := 256 workbook.sheets(s) .widths(workbook.sheets(s).ments(c).column + t_c); t_cw := trunc((t_cw + 18) / 256 7); -- assume default 11 point Calibri else t_cw := 64; end if; exit when t_w < t_cw; t_c := t_c + 1; t_w := t_w - t_cw; end loop; t_h := workbook.sheets(s).ments(c).height; t_xxx := t_xxx || to_char('<x:Anchor>' || workbook.sheets(s).ments(c) .column || ',15,' || workbook.sheets(s).ments(c).row || ',30,' || (workbook.sheets(s).ments(c) .column + t_c - 1) || ',' || round(t_w) || ',' || (workbook.sheets(s).ments(c) .row + 1 + trunc(t_h / 20)) || ',' || mod(t_h, 20) || '</x:Anchor>'); t_xxx := t_xxx || to_char('<x:AutoFill>False</x:AutoFill><x:Row>' || (workbook.sheets(s).ments(c).row - 1) || '</x:Row><x:Column>' || (workbook.sheets(s).ments(c).column - 1) || '</x:Column></x:ClientData></v:shape>'); end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</xml>'; add1xml(t_excel, 'xl/drawings/vmlDrawing' || s || '.vml', t_xxx); end if; -- end loop; t_xxx := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Relationships xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats./package/2006/relationships"> <Relationship Id="rId1" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats./officeDocument/2006/relationships/sharedStrings" Target="sharedStrings.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId2" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats./officeDocument/2006/relationships/styles" Target="styles.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId3" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats./officeDocument/2006/relationships/theme" Target="theme/theme1.xml"/>'; for s in 1 .. workbook.sheets.count() loop t_xxx := t_xxx || ' <Relationship Id="rId' || (9 + s) || '" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats./officeDocument/2006/relationships/worksheet" Target="worksheets/sheet' || s || '.xml"/>'; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || '</Relationships>'; add1xml(t_excel, 'xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels', t_xxx); t_xxx := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <sst xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats./spreadsheetml/2006/main" count="' || workbook.str_t || '" uniqueCount="' || workbook.strings.count() || '">'; t_tmp := null; for i in 0 .. workbook.str_ind.count() - 1 loop t_str := '<si><t>' || dbms_xmlgen.convert(substr(workbook.str_ind(i), 1, 32000)) || '</t></si>'; if lengthb(t_tmp) + lengthb(t_str) > 32000 then t_xxx := t_xxx || t_tmp; t_tmp := null; end if; t_tmp := t_tmp || t_str; end loop; t_xxx := t_xxx || t_tmp || '</sst>'; add1xml(t_excel, 'xl/sharedStrings.xml', t_xxx); if g_debug_mode then debuglog('Stp2 run time(sec):' || round((sysdate - l_debug_time) 24 60 60, 2)); l_debug_time := sysdate; end if; finish_zip(t_excel); if g_debug_mode then debuglog('Stp3 run time(sec):' || round((sysdate - l_debug_time) 24 60 60, 2)); l_debug_time := sysdate; end if; clear_workbook; if g_debug_mode then debuglog('Stp4 run time(sec):' || round((sysdate - l_debug_time) 24 60 60, 2)); l_debug_time := sysdate; debuglog('finish(-)'); end if; return t_excel; end; -- procedure save(p_directory varchar2, p_filename varchar2) is begin blob2file(finish, p_directory, p_filename); end; -- procedure query2sheet(p_sql varchar2, p_col_value_tab smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.tab_col_value ---运行的动态SQL的绑定变量 , p_column_headers boolean := true, p_directory varchar2 := null, p_filename varchar2 := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null, p_footer boolean := true, x_retcode out number ---0:成功 非0:失败( 或者0:成功 1:警告 2:错误 ----注意确定警告的时候要做什么动作) , x_errbuf out varchar2 ---具体的错误信息 ) is l_process_phase number; --标识程序的进度 t_sheet pls_integer; t_c integer; t_col_t integer; t_desc_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab2; d_tab dbms_sql.date_table; n_tab dbms_sql.number_table; v_tab dbms_sql.varchar2_table; t_bulk_size pls_integer := 200; t_r integer; t_cur_row pls_integer; --- l_debug_time date; begin x_retcode := 0; x_errbuf := null; l_process_phase := 0; if g_debug_mode then debuglog('query2sheet(+)'); l_debug_time := sysdate; end if; if p_sql is null then x_errbuf := '调用query2sheet的时候,必要的参数不存在,请检查参数!'; x_retcode := 2; return; end if; if p_sheet is null then new_sheet; end if; l_process_phase := 1; t_c := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(t_c, p_sql, dbms_sql.native); l_process_phase := 2; if p_col_value_tab.count > 0 then for i in 1 .. p_col_value_tab.last loop if p_col_value_tab.exists(i) then dbms_sql.bind_variable(t_c, ':' || i, p_col_value_tab(i).col_value); if g_debug_mode then debuglog('绑定变量--' || i || ':' || p_col_value_tab(i).col_value); end if; end if; end loop; end if; l_process_phase := 3; dbms_sql.describe_columns2(t_c, t_col_t, t_desc_tab); for c in 1 .. t_col_t loop if p_column_headers then cell(c, 1, t_desc_tab(c).col_name, p_fontid => get_font('Calibri', p_bold => true), p_sheet => t_sheet, p_fillid => get_fill('solid', '')); end if; -- dbms_output.put_line( t_desc_tab( c ).col_name || ' ' || t_desc_tab( c ).col_type ); case when t_desc_tab(c).col_type in (2, 100, 101) then dbms_sql.define_array(t_c, c, n_tab, t_bulk_size, 1); when t_desc_tab(c).col_type in (12, 178, 179, 180, 181, 231) then dbms_sql.define_array(t_c, c, d_tab, t_bulk_size, 1); when t_desc_tab(c).col_type in (1, 8, 9, 96, 112) then dbms_sql.define_array(t_c, c, v_tab, t_bulk_size, 1); else null; end case; end loop; l_process_phase := 4; -- t_cur_row := case when p_column_headers then 2 else 1 end; t_sheet := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); l_process_phase := 5; -- t_r := dbms_sql.execute(t_c); loop t_r := dbms_sql.fetch_rows(t_c); if t_r > 0 then for c in 1 .. t_col_t loop case when t_desc_tab(c).col_type in (2, 100, 101) then dbms_sql.column_value(t_c, c, n_tab); for i in 0 .. t_r - 1 loop if n_tab(i + n_tab.first()) is not null then cell(c, t_cur_row + i, n_tab(i + n_tab.first()), p_sheet => t_sheet); end if; end loop; n_tab.delete; when t_desc_tab(c).col_type in (12, 178, 179, 180, 181, 231) then dbms_sql.column_value(t_c, c, d_tab); for i in 0 .. t_r - 1 loop if d_tab(i + d_tab.first()) is not null then cell(c, t_cur_row + i, d_tab(i + d_tab.first()), p_sheet => t_sheet); end if; end loop; d_tab.delete; when t_desc_tab(c).col_type in (1, 8, 9, 96, 112) then dbms_sql.column_value(t_c, c, v_tab); for i in 0 .. t_r - 1 loop if v_tab(i + v_tab.first()) is not null then cell(c, t_cur_row + i, v_tab(i + v_tab.first()), p_sheet => t_sheet); end if; end loop; v_tab.delete; else null; end case; end loop; end if; if t_r != t_bulk_size then t_cur_row := t_cur_row + t_r; end if; exit when t_r != t_bulk_size; t_cur_row := t_cur_row + t_r; end loop; g_query2sheet_rows := t_cur_row - case when p_column_headers then 2 else 1 end; l_process_phase := 6; dbms_sql.close_cursor(t_c); if g_debug_mode then debuglog('Stp1 run time(sec):' || round((sysdate - l_debug_time) 24 60 60, 2)); l_debug_time := sysdate; end if; l_process_phase := 7; if p_footer then -- set footer if g_query2sheet_footer is null then cell(1, t_cur_row + 2, 'Generated ' || to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') || ' by ' || user || ', rows:' || g_query2sheet_rows, p_sheet => t_sheet); else cell(1, t_cur_row + 2, replace(g_query2sheet_footer, '&ROWS', g_query2sheet_rows), p_sheet => t_sheet); end if; end if; l_process_phase := 8; if (p_directory is not null and p_filename is not null) then save(p_directory, p_filename); end if; if g_debug_mode then debuglog('Stp2 run time(sec):' || round((sysdate - l_debug_time) 24 60 60, 2)); l_debug_time := sysdate; debuglog('query2sheet(-)'); end if; l_process_phase := 99; exception when others then if dbms_sql.is_open(t_c) then dbms_sql.close_cursor(t_c); end if; clear_workbook; x_retcode := 2; x_errbuf := 'p_sql:' || substr(p_sql, 1, 20) || ' 做自动输出XLSX文件的时候有异常错误!' || chr(10) || '错误信息:' || to_char(sqlcode) || '-' || sqlerrm || chr(10) || '程序进度:' || l_process_phase; end; procedure query2sheet(p_sql varchar2, p_column_headers boolean := true, p_directory varchar2 := null, p_filename varchar2 := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null, p_footer boolean := true, x_retcode out number ---0:成功 非0:失败( 或者0:成功 1:警告 2:错误 ----注意确定警告的时候要做什么动作) , x_errbuf out varchar2 ---具体的错误信息 ) is l_sql_statement varchar2(32767); l_sql_statement_bv varchar2(32767); l_col_value_tab smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.tab_col_value; begin if g_debug_mode then debuglog('query2sheetII(+)'); end if; ---SQL自动转换,用上传说中的绑定变量! l_sql_statement := p_sql; ---- l_sql_statement_bv := p_sql; /--这个要额外的开发,这里先备注掉。 XYG_FND_COMMON_PKG.SQL_BIND_VARIABLE_CHANGE ( L_SQL_STATEMENT--P_SQL_STATEMENT IN VARCHAR2 ---要改变的SQL语句 ,L_SQL_STATEMENT_BV--X_SQL_STATEMENT_BV OUT VARCHAR2--变化之后的SQL语句 ,L_COL_VALUE_TAB--X_COL_VALUE_TAB OUT T_COL_VALUE ---绑定参数的输出 ,x_retcode--x_retcode OUT NUMBER ---0:成功 非0:失败( 或者0:成功 1:警告 2:错误 ----注意确定警告的时候要做什么动作) ,x_errbuf--x_errbuf OUT VARCHAR2 ---具体的错误信息 ); / x_retcode := 0; if x_retcode <> 0 then x_errbuf := '产生绑定变量的动态SQL有异常错误!错误信息:' || x_errbuf; if g_debug_mode then debuglog('x_errbuf:' || x_errbuf); end if; return; else if g_debug_mode then if l_col_value_tab.count > 0 then debuglog('LAST绑定变量:' || l_col_value_tab.last); for i in 1 .. l_col_value_tab.last loop if l_col_value_tab.exists(i) then debuglog('绑定变量:' || i || '--' || l_col_value_tab(i) .col_value); end if; end loop; end if; debuglog('L_SQL_STATEMENT_BV:' || chr(10) || l_sql_statement_bv); end if; end if; query2sheet(l_sql_statement_bv, l_col_value_tab ---运行的动态SQL的绑定变量 , p_column_headers, p_directory, p_filename, p_sheet, p_footer, x_retcode, x_errbuf); if g_debug_mode then debuglog('query2sheetII(-)'); end if; end; procedure query2sheet(p_sql varchar2, p_column_headers boolean := true, p_directory varchar2 := null, p_filename varchar2 := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null, p_footer boolean := true) is l_retcode number; l_errbuf varchar2(4000); begin query2sheet(p_sql, p_column_headers, p_directory, p_filename, p_sheet, p_footer, l_retcode, l_errbuf); if l_retcode <> 0 then raise_application_error(-20008, l_errbuf, true); end if; end; procedure cursor2sheet(p_sql in sys_refcursor, p_column_headers boolean := true, p_directory varchar2 := null, p_filename varchar2 := null, p_sheet pls_integer := null, p_footer boolean := true) is ctx dbms_xmlgen.ctxhandle; tmpxml xmltype; cursor cdata is select t2.column_value.getrootelement() colname, extractvalue(t2.column_value, 'node()') value from table(xmlsequence(tmpxml)) t, table(xmlsequence(extract(t.column_value, '/ROWSET/ROW/node()'))) t2 order by rownum; tscolheaders sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll := sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll(); tsvalues sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll := sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll(); t_sheet pls_integer := 1; t_cur_row pls_integer := 1; colid pls_integer := 1; ncolnumber pls_integer; n pls_integer; atmpval sys.anydata; nnumval number; ttsval timestamp; ddateval date; svarcharval varchar2(4000); bgottype boolean; etypeconvert exception; etypedateformat exception; etypenonnumeric exception; etypenotdefined exception; pragma exception_init(etypeconvert, -6502); pragma exception_init(etypedateformat, -1830); pragma exception_init(etypenonnumeric, -1858); begin -- XML Creation from the sys_refcursor ctx := dbms_xmlgen.newcontext(p_sql); -- this is important in order to get all the column headers, even if all data are null dbms_xmlgen.setnullhandling(ctx, dbms_xmlgen.empty_tag); dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype(ctx, tmpxml); if p_sheet is null then new_sheet; end if; -- Load Columns and Values into Arrays open cdata; fetch cdata bulk collect into tscolheaders, tsvalues; close cdata; -- get distinct headers tscolheaders := set(tscolheaders); -- get number of headers (of columns) ncolnumber := tscolheaders.count; -- Create column headers if wanted if p_column_headers then -- set headers into sheet for i in tscolheaders.first .. tscolheaders.last loop cell(i, t_cur_row, tscolheaders(i), p_fontid => get_font('Calibri', p_bold => true), p_sheet => t_sheet); end loop; t_cur_row := 2; end if; t_sheet := nvl(p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count()); -- fill cells for i in tsvalues.first .. tsvalues.last loop -- check if we must reset col to 1 and go to next line if i > ncolnumber and mod(i, ncolnumber) = 1 then -- reset colId to 1 and go to next line colid := 1; t_cur_row := t_cur_row + 1; end if; -- find the good type and insert into Cell -- initialize “checker” bgottype := false; -- Number ? if not bgottype then begin atmpval := sys.anydata.convertnumber(tsvalues(i)); bgottype := true; n := atmpval.getnumber(nnumval); -- load data into cell cell(colid, t_cur_row, nnumval, p_sheet => t_sheet); -- if conversion fails exception when etypeconvert or etypedateformat or etypenonnumeric then bgottype := false; end; end if; -- TimeStamp ? if not bgottype then begin atmpval := sys.anydata.converttimestamp(tsvalues(i)); bgottype := true; n := atmpval.gettimestamp(ttsval); -- load data into cell cell(colid, t_cur_row, to_date(ttsval), p_sheet => t_sheet); -- if conversion fails exception when etypeconvert or etypedateformat or etypenonnumeric then bgottype := false; end; end if; -- Date ? if not bgottype then begin atmpval := sys.anydata.convertdate(tsvalues(i)); bgottype := true; n := atmpval.getdate(ddateval); -- load data into cell cell(colid, t_cur_row, ddateval, p_sheet => t_sheet); -- if conversion fails exception when etypeconvert or etypedateformat or etypenonnumeric then bgottype := false; end; end if; -- Varchar2 ? if not bgottype then begin atmpval := sys.anydata.convertvarchar2(tsvalues(i)); bgottype := true; n := atmpval.getvarchar2(svarcharval); -- load data into cell cell(colid, t_cur_row, svarcharval, p_sheet => t_sheet); -- if conversion fails exception when etypeconvert or etypedateformat or etypenonnumeric then bgottype := false; end; end if; -- unsupported type if not bgottype then raise etypenotdefined; end if; -- go to next col colid := colid + 1; end loop; if p_footer then -- set footer cell(1, t_cur_row + 2, 'Generated ' || sysdate || ' by ' || user, p_sheet => t_sheet); end if; if (p_directory is not null and p_filename is not null) then save(p_directory, p_filename); end if; exception when etypenotdefined then raise_application_error(-20999, 'one data has an unsupported type', false); raise; when others then raise_application_error(-20999, 'Export to XLSX failed', true); end; end;
declare l_sql varchar2(30000); begin l_sql := 'select from all_objects'; smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.query2sheet(l_sql, true, 'XLS_DIR', 'Export2.xlsx'); end;
除此之外,基本上Excel 中有的效果它都可以生成。
begin smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.clear_workbook; smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.new_sheet; smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(5, 1, 5); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(3, 1, 3); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(2, 2, 45); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(3, 2, 'Anton Scheffer', p_alignment => smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.get_alignment(p_wraptext => true)); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(1, 4, sysdate, p_fontid => smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.get_font('Calibri', p_rgb => 'FFFF0000')); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(2, 4, sysdate, p_numfmtid => smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.get_numfmt('dd/mm/yyyy h:mm')); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(3, 4, sysdate, p_numfmtid => smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.get_numfmt(smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.orafmt2excel('dd/mon/yyyy'))); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(5, 5, 75, p_borderid => smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.get_border('double', 'double', 'double', 'double')); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(2, 3, 33); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.hyperlink(1, 6, 'http://.blogs./mellowsmile', 'jinzhao site'); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(1, 7, 'Some merged cells', p_alignment => smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.get_alignment(p_horizontal => 'center')); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.mergecells(1, 7, 3, 7); for i in 1 .. 5 loop smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.ment(3, i + 3, 'Row ' || (i + 3), 'Anton'); end loop; smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.new_sheet; smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.set_row(1, p_fillid => smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.get_fill('solid', 'FFFF0000')); for i in 1 .. 5 loop smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(1, i, i); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(2, i, i 3); smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.cell(3, i, 'x ' || i 3); end loop; smt_xlsx_maker_pkg.query2sheet('select rownum, x. , case when mod( rownum, 2 ) = 0 then rownum 3 end demo , case when mod( rownum, 2 ) = 1 then ''demo '' || rownum end demo2 from dual x connect by rownum <= 5');'XLS_DIR', 'Export3.xlsx'); end;
对比两种导出excel的方法,第一种方法实际上导出的是html文件格式,且注意set pagesize 最大为50000,超过50000行数据后会自动分页重新打印出一行标题,不需要创建oracle directory可以导出excel到客户机单元格合并、批注等不可以个性化设置,第二种可设置单元格样式需要创建directory且文件最终在服务器端生成。
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