Mysql删除重复的数据 Mysql数据去重复

网络编程 2021-07-05 14:36www.168986.cn编程入门
这篇文章主要介绍了Mysql删除重复的数据 Mysql数据去重复,需要的朋友可以参考下


select from employee group by emp_name having count ()>1;

Mysql  查询可以删除的重复数据

select t1. from employee t1 where (t1.emp_name) in (select t4.emp_name from (select t2.emp_name from employee t2 group by t2.emp_name having count()>1) t4) and t1.emp_id not in (select t5.emp_id from (select min(t3.emp_id) as emp_id from employee t3 group by t3.emp_name having count()>1) t5);

Mysql  删除重复的数据

delete t1 from employee t1 where (t1.emp_name) in (select t4.emp_name from (select t2.emp_name from employee t2 group by t2.emp_name having count()>1) t4) and t1.emp_id not in (select t5.emp_id from (select min(t3.emp_id) as emp_id from employee t3 group by t3.emp_name having count()>1) t5);

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