程序员最实用的 SQL 语句收藏,看完这篇就够了
文章沿着设计一个假想的应用 awesome_app 为主线,从零创建修改数据库,表格,字段属性,索引,字符集,默认值,自增,增删改查,多表查询,内置函数等实用 SQL 语句。收藏此文,告别零散又低效地搜索经常使用的 SQL 语句。所有 SQL 都在 MySQL 下通过验证,可留着日后回顾参考,也可跟着动手一起做,如果未安装 MySQL 可参考 《》 ()。
1. 创建
1.1 创建数据库
语法create database db_name
示例创建应用数据库 awesome_app
create database `awesome_app`
1.2 创建表格
语法create table table_name ( … columns )
示例创建用户表 users
create table `users` ( `id` int, `name` char(10), `avatar` varchar(300), `regtime` date )
1.3 创建索引
语法create index index_name on table_name (column_name)
示例为用户 id 创建索引 idx_id
create index `idx_id` on `users` (`id`) / 创建唯一索引 / create unique index `idx_id` on `users` (`id`)
1.4 为已存在的列创建主键
更常用的方式是在创建表语句所有列定义的后面添加一行 primary key (column_name)。
语法alter table table_name add primary key (column_name)
示例将用户 id 设为主键
alter table users add primary key (`id`)
1.5 为已存在的列创建自增约束
更常用的方式是在创建表语句中添加自增列 id int not null auto_increment。
alter table `users` modify `id` int not null auto_increment
2. 插入
- insert into table_name values (value1, value2, …)
- insert into table_name (column1, column2, …) values (value1, value2, …)
insert into `users` values (1, 'ken', 'http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/avatar1.jpg', curdate()) / 指定列插入 / insert into `users` (`name`, `avatar`) values ('bill', 'http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/avatar2.jpg')
3. 修改
3.1 修改数据记录
- update table_name set column=new_value where condition
- update table_name set column1=new_value1,column2=new_value2,… wherecondition
update `users` set `regtime`=curdate() where `regtime` is null / 一次修改多列 / update `users` set `name`='steven',`avatar`='http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/steven.jpg' where `id`=1
3.2 修改数据库字符集为 utf8
alter database `awesome_app` default character set utf8
3.3 修改表字符集为 utf8
alter table `users` convert to character set utf8
3.4 修改表字段字符集为 utf8
alter table `users` modify `name` char(10) character set utf8
3.5 修改字段类型
alter table `users` modify `regtime` datetime not null
3.5 修改字段默认值
alter table `users` alter `regtime` set default '2019-10-12 00:00:00' / 设置默认为当前时间 current_timestamp,需要重新定义整个列 / alter table `users` modify `regtime` datetime not null default current_timestamp
3.6 修改字段注释
alter table `users` modify `id` int not null auto_increment ment '用户ID'; alter table `users` modify `name` char(10) ment '用户名'; alter table `users` modify `avatar` varchar(300) ment '用户头像'; alter table `users` modify `regtime` datetime not null default current_timestamp ment '注册时间';
mysql> show full columns from users; +---------+--------------+-----------------+------+-----+-------------------+----------------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | Field | Type | Collation | Null | Key | Default | Extra | Privileges | Comment | +---------+--------------+-----------------+------+-----+-------------------+----------------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | id | int(11) | NULL | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | select,insert,update,references | 用户ID | | name | char(10) | utf8_general_ci | YES | | NULL | | select,insert,update,references | 用户名 | | avatar | varchar(300) | utf8_general_ci | YES | | NULL | | select,insert,update,references | 用户头像 | | regtime | datetime | NULL | NO | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | | select,insert,update,references | 注册时间 | +---------+--------------+-----------------+------+-----+-------------------+----------------+---------------------------------+--------------+
4. 删除
4.1 删除数据记录
语法delete from table_name where condition
# 先增加一条用户名为空的用户 mysql> insert into `users` (`regtime`) values (curdate()); mysql> select from users; +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+------------+ | id | name | avatar | regtime | +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+------------+ | 1 | steven | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/steven.jpg | 2019-10-12 | | 2 | bill | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/avatar2.jpg | 2019-10-12 | | 3 | NULL | NULL | 2019-10-12 | +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+------------+ # 删除用户名为空的行 mysql> delete from `users` where `name` is null; mysql> select from users; +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+------------+ | id | name | avatar | regtime | +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+------------+ | 1 | steven | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/steven.jpg | 2019-10-12 | | 2 | bill | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/avatar2.jpg | 2019-10-12 | +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+------------+
4.2 删除数据库
drop database if exists `awesome_app`
4.3 删除表
drop table if exists `users`
4.4 清空表中所有数据
这个操作相当于先 drop table 再 create table ,需要有 drop 权限。
truncate table `users`
4.5 删除索引
drop index `idx_id` on `users`
5. 查询
5.1 语法
SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT | DISTINCTROW ] [HIGH_PRIORITY] [STRAIGHT_JOIN] [SQL_SMALL_RESULT] [SQL_BIG_RESULT] [SQL_BUFFER_RESULT] [SQL_CACHE | SQL_NO_CACHE] [SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS] select_expr [, select_expr ...] [FROM table_references [PARTITION partition_list] [WHERE where_condition] [GROUP BY {col_name | expr | position} [ASC | DESC], ... [WITH ROLLUP]] [HAVING where_condition] [ORDER BY {col_name | expr | position} [ASC | DESC], ...] [LIMIT {[offset,] row_count | row_count OFFSET offset}] [PROCEDURE procedure_name(argument_list)] [INTO OUTFILE 'file_name' [CHARACTER SET charset_name] export_options | INTO DUMPFILE 'file_name' | INTO var_name [, var_name]] [FOR UPDATE | LOCK IN SHARE MODE]]
5.2 单表查询
5.2.1 准备数据
insert into users (`name`, `avatar`) values ('张三', 'http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/3.jpg'), ('李四', 'http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/4.jpg'), ('王五', 'http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/5.jpg'), ('马六', 'http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/6.jpg'), ('肖七', 'http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/7.jpg'), ('刘八', 'http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/8.jpg'), ('杨九', 'http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/9.jpg'), ('郑十', 'http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/10.jpg'); / 增加重复行 / insert into users (`name`, `avatar`) values ('张三', 'http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/3.jpg'), ('李四', 'http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/4.jpg'), ('王五', 'http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/5.jpg');
5.2.2 查询所有列
mysql> select from users; +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | id | name | avatar | regtime | +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | 1 | steven | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/steven.jpg | 2019-10-12 00:00:00 | | 2 | bill | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/avatar2.jpg | 2019-10-12 00:00:00 | | 3 | 张三 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/3.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 4 | 李四 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/4.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 5 | 王五 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/5.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 6 | 马六 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/6.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 7 | 肖七 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/7.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 8 | 刘八 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/8.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 9 | 杨九 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/9.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 10 | 郑十 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/10.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 11 | 张三 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/3.jpg | 2019-10-13 11:20:17 | | 12 | 李四 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/4.jpg | 2019-10-13 11:20:17 | | 13 | 王五 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/5.jpg | 2019-10-13 11:20:17 | +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
5.2.3 查询指定列
mysql> select id,name from users; +----+--------+ | id | name | +----+--------+ | 1 | steven | | 2 | bill | | 3 | 张三 | | 4 | 李四 | | 5 | 王五 | | 6 | 马六 | | 7 | 肖七 | | 8 | 刘八 | | 9 | 杨九 | | 10 | 郑十 | | 11 | 张三 | | 12 | 李四 | | 13 | 王五 | +----+--------+
5.2.4 查询不重复记录
mysql> select distinct name,avatar from users; +--------+----------------------------------------------------+ | name | avatar | +--------+----------------------------------------------------+ | steven | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/steven.jpg | | bill | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/avatar2.jpg | | 张三 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/3.jpg | | 李四 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/4.jpg | | 王五 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/5.jpg | | 马六 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/6.jpg | | 肖七 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/7.jpg | | 刘八 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/8.jpg | | 杨九 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/9.jpg | | 郑十 | http://cdn.awesome_app./path/to/xxx/10.jpg | +--------+----------------------------------------------------+
5.2.5 限制查询行数
mysql> select id,name from users limit 2; +----+--------+ | id | name | +----+--------+ | 1 | steven | | 2 | bill | +----+--------+
mysql> select id,name from users limit 2,3; +----+--------+ | id | name | +----+--------+ | 3 | 张三 | | 4 | 李四 | | 5 | 王五 | +----+--------+
5.2.6 排序
# 正序 mysql> select distinct name from users order by name asc limit 3; +--------+ | name | +--------+ | bill | | steven | | 刘八 | +--------+ # 倒序 mysql> select id,name from users order by id desc limit 3; +----+--------+ | id | name | +----+--------+ | 13 | 王五 | | 12 | 李四 | | 11 | 张三 | +----+--------+
5.2.7 分组
alter table `users` add `city` varchar(10) ment '用户所在城市' after `name`; update `users` set `city`='旧金山' where `id`=1; update `users` set `city`='西雅图' where `id`=2; update `users` set `city`='北京' where `id` in (3,5,7); update `users` set `city`='上海' where `id` in (4,6,8); update `users` set `city`='广州' where `id` between 9 and 10; update `users` set `city`='深圳' where `id` between 11 and 13;
mysql> select city, count(name) as num_of_user from users group by city; +-----------+-------------+ | city | num_of_user | +-----------+-------------+ | 上海 | 3 | | 北京 | 3 | | 广州 | 2 | | 旧金山 | 1 | | 深圳 | 3 | | 西雅图 | 1 | +-----------+-------------+ mysql> select city, count(name) as num_of_user from users group by city having num_of_user=1; +-----------+-------------+ | city | num_of_user | +-----------+-------------+ | 旧金山 | 1 | | 西雅图 | 1 | +-----------+-------------+ mysql> select city, count(name) as num_of_user from users group by city having num_of_user>2; +--------+-------------+ | city | num_of_user | +--------+-------------+ | 上海 | 3 | | 北京 | 3 | | 深圳 | 3 | +--------+-------------+
5.3 多表关联查询
5.3.1 准备数据
create table if not exists `orders` ( `id` int not null primary key auto_increment ment '订单ID', `title` varchar(50) not null ment '订单标题', `user_id` int not null ment '用户ID', `cretime` timestamp not null default current_timestamp ment '创建时间' ); create table if not exists `groups` ( `id` int not null primary key auto_increment ment '用户组ID', `title` varchar(50) not null ment '用户组标题', `cretime` timestamp not null default current_timestamp ment '创建时间' ); alter table `users` add `group_id` int ment '用户分组' after `city`; insert into `groups` (`title`) values ('大佬'), ('萌新'), ('菜鸡'); insert into `orders` (`title`, `user_id`) values ('《大佬是怎样炼成的?》', 3), ('《MySQL 从萌新到删库跑路》', 6), ('《菜鸡踩坑记》', 9); update `users` set `group_id`=1 where `id` between 1 and 2; update `users` set `group_id`=2 where `id` in (4, 6, 8, 10, 12); update `users` set `group_id`=3 where `id` in (3, 5, 13);
5.3.2 join
mysql> select `users`.`name` as `user_name`, `orders`.`title` as `order_title` from `users`, `orders` where `orders`.`user_id`=`users`.`id`; +-----------+--------------------------------------+ | user_name | order_title | +-----------+--------------------------------------+ | 张三 | 《大佬是怎样炼成的?》 | | 马六 | 《MySQL 从萌新到删库跑路》 | | 杨九 | 《菜鸡踩坑记》 | +-----------+--------------------------------------+
inner join
内部连接。效果与 join 一样 , 但用法不同,join 使用 where ,inner join 使用 on 。
mysql> select `users`.`name` as `user_name`, `orders`.`title` as `order_title` from `users` inner join `orders` on `orders`.`user_id`=`users`.`id`; +-----------+--------------------------------------+ | user_name | order_title | +-----------+--------------------------------------+ | 张三 | 《大佬是怎样炼成的?》 | | 马六 | 《MySQL 从萌新到删库跑路》 | | 杨九 | 《菜鸡踩坑记》 | +-----------+--------------------------------------+
left join
左连接。返回左表所有行,即使右表中没有匹配的行,不匹配的用 NULL 填充。
``` mysql> select `users`.`name` as `user_name`, `orders`.`title` as `order_title` from `users` left join `orders` on `orders`.`user_id`=`users`.`id`; +-----------+--------------------------------------+ | user_name | order_title | +-----------+--------------------------------------+ | 张三 | 《大佬是怎样炼成的?》 | | 马六 | 《MySQL 从萌新到删库跑路》 | | 杨九 | 《菜鸡踩坑记》 | | steven | NULL | | bill | NULL | | 李四 | NULL | | 王五 | NULL | | 肖七 | NULL | | 刘八 | NULL | | 郑十 | NULL | | 张三 | NULL | | 李四 | NULL | | 王五 | NULL | +-----------+--------------------------------------+ ``` right join 右连接。和 left join 正好相反,会返回右表所有行,即使左表中没有匹配的行,不匹配的用 NULL 填充。 ```sql mysql> select `groups`.`title` as `group_title`, `users`.`name` as `user_name` from `groups` right join `users` on `users`.`group_id`=`groups`.`id`; +-------------+-----------+ | group_title | user_name | +-------------+-----------+ | 大佬 | steven | | 大佬 | bill | | 萌新 | 李四 | | 萌新 | 马六 | | 萌新 | 刘八 | | 萌新 | 郑十 | | 萌新 | 李四 | | 菜鸡 | 张三 | | 菜鸡 | 王五 | | 菜鸡 | 王五 | | NULL | 肖七 | | NULL | 杨九 | | NULL | 张三 | +-------------+-----------+ ``` 5.3.3 union union 用于合并两个或多个查询结果,合并的查询结果必须具有相同数量的列,并且列拥有形似的数据类型,列的顺序相同。 ```sql mysql> (select `id`, `title` from `groups`) union (select `id`, `title` from `orders`); +----+--------------------------------------+ | id | title | +----+--------------------------------------+ | 1 | 大佬 | | 2 | 萌新 | | 3 | 菜鸡 | | 1 | 《大佬是怎样炼成的?》 | | 2 | 《MySQL 从萌新到删库跑路》 | | 3 | 《菜鸡踩坑记》 | +----+--------------------------------------+ ``` 6. 函数 6.1 语法 select function(column) from table_name 6.2 合计函数(Aggregate functions) 合计函数的操作面向一系列的值,并返回一个单一的值。通常与 group by 语句一起用。 函数 描述 avg(column) 返回某列的平均值 count(column) 返回某列的行数(不包括 NULL 值) count() 返回被选行数 first(column) 返回在指定的域中第一个记录的值 last(column) 返回在指定的域中一个记录的值 max(column) 返回某列的最高值 min(column) 返回某列的最低值 sum(column) 返回某列的总和 6.3 标量函数(Scalar functions) 函数 描述 ucase(c) 转换为大写 lcase(c) 转换为小写 mid(c, start[, end]) 从文本提取字符 len(c) 返回文本长度 instr(c, char) 返回在文本中指定字符的数值位置 left(c, number_of_char) 返回文本的左侧部分 right(c, number_of_char) 返回文本的右侧部分 round(c, decimals) 对数值指定小数位数四舍五入 mod(x, y) 取余(求模) now() 返回当前的系统日期 format(c, format) 格式化显示 datediff(d, date1, date2) 日期计算
以上就是程序员最实用的 SQL 语句收藏看完这篇就够了的详细内容,更多关于程序员SQL 语句的资料请关注狼蚁SEO其它相关文章!
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