网络编程 2021-07-05 11:23www.168986.cn编程入门
vishal_donth gave this response on 10/18/2000:
//these are the pakages to be imported from
// Java Mail
//The Java Mail PAckage either be dowloaded
//or else is Available in the J2sdkee1.2
// (Java Enterprise Edition)
import javax.mail.;
import javax.mail.inter.;
import java.util.;
//This function can be used to send the mail
// with the parameters given to it
//U have to specify the smtp server through
//which u have to send the mail
//since i was trying with a homemail
//aount i directly sent the mail its server
//For sending this mail u need a mail server
//which lets u to relay the messages
//Try this thing for sending to a
//.homemail. aount because it lets
//u send
//mails to the aounts like example try
//sending it to a "abc@homemail."
//aount.Create the mail aount in home
//mail first. If u get any other server which
//supports relaying u can try this on that
//Use this function in ur Servlet to send
//mail by calling the function with the
public void sendMail(String toAddr, String subject, String body, String fromAddr)throws RemoteException{
Properties props = new Properties();
//Here we specify the SMTP server through
//which the mail should be delivered
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
msg.setFrom(new InterAddress(fromAddr));
//Specify the From Address
InterAddress[] tos =InterAddress.parse(toAddr);
//Specify the To Address
//Specify the Subject
//Specify the Body
System.out.println("Message is Sent");
catch(Exception e){
// U have to run this function on a puter
//which is directly connected
// to inter but not through a
//proxy......or else use a proxy which
//supports SMTP
//these are the pakages to be imported from
// Java Mail
//The Java Mail PAckage either be dowloaded
//or else is Available in the J2sdkee1.2
// (Java Enterprise Edition)
import javax.mail.;
import javax.mail.inter.;
import java.util.;
//This function can be used to send the mail
// with the parameters given to it
//U have to specify the smtp server through
//which u have to send the mail
//since i was trying with a homemail
//aount i directly sent the mail its server
//For sending this mail u need a mail server
//which lets u to relay the messages
//Try this thing for sending to a
//.homemail. aount because it lets
//u send
//mails to the aounts like example try
//sending it to a "abc@homemail."
//aount.Create the mail aount in home
//mail first. If u get any other server which
//supports relaying u can try this on that
//Use this function in ur Servlet to send
//mail by calling the function with the
public void sendMail(String toAddr, String subject, String body, String fromAddr)throws RemoteException{
Properties props = new Properties();
//Here we specify the SMTP server through
//which the mail should be delivered
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
msg.setFrom(new InterAddress(fromAddr));
//Specify the From Address
InterAddress[] tos =InterAddress.parse(toAddr);
//Specify the To Address
//Specify the Subject
//Specify the Body
System.out.println("Message is Sent");
catch(Exception e){
// U have to run this function on a puter
//which is directly connected
// to inter but not through a
//proxy......or else use a proxy which
//supports SMTP
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