asp去除所有的超级链接的两种方法 替换与正则
网络编程 2021-07-05 10:58www.168986.cn编程入门
'示例<%=RemoveHref_A("<a href=/abc/h.html>测试</a>")%>
Function RemoveHref_A(HTMLstr)
Dim n,str1,str2,str3,str4
HTMLstr = Lcase(HTMLstr)
For n=1 to Ubound(Split(HTMLstr,"<a"))
str1 = Instr(HTMLstr,"<a")
str2 = Instr(str1,HTMLstr,">")
HTMLstr = left(HTMLstr,str1-1)&right(HTMLstr,len(HTMLstr)-len(left(HTMLstr,str2)))
HTMLstr = replace (HTMLstr,"</a>","")
RemoveHref_A = HTMLstr
End Function
'示例<%=RegRemoveHref("<a href=/abc/h.html>测试</a>")%>
Function RegRemoveHref(HTMLstr)
Set ra = New RegExp
ra.IgnoreCase = True
ra.Global = True
ra.Pattern = "<a[^>]+>(.+?)<\/a>"
RegRemoveHref = ra.replace(HTMLstr,"$1")
END Function
'示例<%=RemoveHref_A("<a href=/abc/h.html>测试</a>")%>
Function RemoveHref_A(HTMLstr)
Dim n,str1,str2,str3,str4
HTMLstr = Lcase(HTMLstr)
For n=1 to Ubound(Split(HTMLstr,"<a"))
str1 = Instr(HTMLstr,"<a")
str2 = Instr(str1,HTMLstr,">")
HTMLstr = left(HTMLstr,str1-1)&right(HTMLstr,len(HTMLstr)-len(left(HTMLstr,str2)))
HTMLstr = replace (HTMLstr,"</a>","")
RemoveHref_A = HTMLstr
End Function
'示例<%=RegRemoveHref("<a href=/abc/h.html>测试</a>")%>
Function RegRemoveHref(HTMLstr)
Set ra = New RegExp
ra.IgnoreCase = True
ra.Global = True
ra.Pattern = "<a[^>]+>(.+?)<\/a>"
RegRemoveHref = ra.replace(HTMLstr,"$1")
END Function
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