它需要以下参数$ISBN 10位ISBN书号
$isbn = '007149216X';
$result = PIPHP_GetBookFromISBN($isbn);
if (!$result) echo "Could not find title for ISBN '$isbn'.";
else echo "<img src='$result[1]' align='left'><b>$result[0]";
function PIPHP_GetBookFromISBN($isbn)
// Plug-in 93: Get Book From ISBN
// This plug-in looks up an ISBN-10 at Amazon. and then
// returns the matching book title and a thumbnail image
// of the front cover. It requires this argument:
// $isbn: The ISBN to look up
// Updated from the function in the book to take into
// aount changes to the Amazon HTML.
$find = '<meta name="description" content="Amazon:';
$url = "http://.amazon./gp/aw/d.html?a=$isbn";
$img = 'http://ecx.images-amazon./images/I';
$page = @file_get_contents($url);
if (!strlen($page)) return array(FALSE);
$ptr1 = strpos($page, $find) + strlen($find);
if (!$ptr1) return array(FALSE);
$ptr2 = strpos($page, '" />', $ptr1);
$title = substr($page, $ptr1, $ptr2 - $ptr1);
$find = $img;
$ptr1 = strpos($page, $find) + strlen($find);
$ptr2 = strpos($page, '"', $ptr1);
$image = substr($page, $ptr1, $ptr2 - $ptr1);
return array($title, $img . $image);
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