网络编程 2021-07-05 09:09www.168986.cn编程入门
在主题文件 functions.php中找到$GLOBALS['ment'] = $ment;在后面加上狼蚁网站SEO优化的代码
/ 主评论计数器 / global $mentcount,$wpdb, $post; if(!$mentcount) { //初始化楼层计数器 if ( get_option('ment_order') === 'desc' ) { //倒序 $ments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT FROM $wpdb->ments WHERE ment_post_ID = $post->ID AND ment_type = '' AND ment_approved = '1' AND !ment_parent"); $t = count($ments);//获取主评论总数量 $page = get_query_var('cpage');//获取当前评论列表页码 $cpp=get_option('ments_per_page');//获取每页评论显示数量 if (ceil($t / $cpp) == 1 || ($page > 1 && $page == ceil($t / $cpp))) { $mentcount = $t + 1;//如果评论只有1页或者是一页,初始值为主评论总数 } else { $mentcount = $cpp $page + 1; } }else{ //顺序 $page = get_query_var('cpage')-1; $cpp=get_option('ments_per_page');//获取每页评论数 $mentcount = $cpp $page; } } / 主评论计数器 end / if ( !$parent_id = $ment->ment_parent ) { $mentcountText = '<div class="floor">'; if ( get_option('ment_order') === 'desc' ) { //倒序 $mentcountText .= --$mentcount . '楼'; } else { switch ($mentcount) { case 0: $mentcountText .= '<span>沙发!</span>'; ++$mentcount; break; case 1: $mentcountText .= '<span>板凳!</span>'; ++$mentcount; break; case 2: $mentcountText .= '<span>地板!</span>'; ++$mentcount; break; default: $mentcountText .= ++$mentcount . '楼'; break; } } $mentcountText .= '</div">'; } }
<?php echo $mentcountText; //主评论楼层号 - by zwwooooo ?>
修改之后的代码应该是这样的(以官方最新的 wp_list_ments() 回调函数代码为例)
<?php function mytheme_ment($ment, $args, $depth) { $GLOBALS['ment'] = $ment; / 主评论计数器 by zwwooooo Modified Gimhoy(http://blog.gimhoy.) / global $mentcount,$wpdb, $post; if(!$mentcount) { //初始化楼层计数器 if ( get_option('ment_order') === 'desc' ) { //倒序 $ments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT FROM $wpdb->ments WHERE ment_post_ID = $post->ID AND ment_type = '' AND ment_approved = '1' AND !ment_parent"); $t = count($ments);//获取主评论总数量 $page = get_query_var('cpage');//获取当前评论列表页码 $cpp=get_option('ments_per_page');//获取每页评论显示数量 if (ceil($t / $cpp) == 1 || ($page > 1 && $page == ceil($t / $cpp))) { $mentcount = $t + 1;//如果评论只有1页或者是一页,初始值为主评论总数 } else { $mentcount = $cpp $page + 1; } }else{ //顺序 $page = get_query_var('cpage')-1; $cpp=get_option('ments_per_page');//获取每页评论数 $mentcount = $cpp $page; } } / 主评论计数器 end / if ( !$parent_id = $ment->ment_parent ) { $mentcountText = '<div class="floor">'; if ( get_option('ment_order') === 'desc' ) { //倒序 $mentcountText .= --$mentcount . '楼'; } else { switch ($mentcount) { case 0: $mentcountText .= '<span>沙发!</span>'; ++$mentcount; break; case 1: $mentcountText .= '<span>板凳!</span>'; ++$mentcount; break; case 2: $mentcountText .= '<span>地板!</span>'; ++$mentcount; break; default: $mentcountText .= ++$mentcount . '楼'; break; } } $mentcountText .= '</div">'; } } extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); if ( 'div' == $args['style'] ) { $tag = 'div'; $add_below = 'ment'; } else { $tag = 'li'; $add_below = 'div-ment'; } ?> <<?php echo $tag ?> <?php ment_class(empty( $args['has_children'] ) ? '' : 'parent') ?> id="ment-<?php ment_ID() ?>"> <?php if ( 'div' != $args['style'] ) : ?> <div id="div-ment-<?php ment_ID() ?>" class="ment-body"> <?php endif; ?> <div class="ment-author vcard"> <?php if ($args['avatar_size'] != 0) echo get_avatar( $ment, $args['avatar_size'] ); ?> <?php printf(__('<cite class="fn">%s</cite> <span class="says">says:</span>'), get_ment_author_link()) ?> </div> <?php if ($ment->ment_approved == '0') : ?> <em class="ment-awaiting-moderation"><?php _e('Your ment is awaiting moderation.') ?></em> <br /> <?php endif; ?> <div class="ment-meta mentmetadata"><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( get_ment_link( $ment->ment_ID ) ) ?>"> <?php / translators: 1: date, 2: time / printf( __('%1$s at %2$s'), get_ment_date(), get_ment_time()) ?></a><?php edit_ment_link(__('(Edit)'),' ','' ); ?> </div> <?php ment_text() ?> <div class="reply"> <?php ment_reply_link(array_merge( $args, array('add_below' => $add_below, 'depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth']))) ?> </div> <?php echo $mentcountText; //主评论楼层号 - by zwwooooo ?> <?php if ( 'div' != $args['style'] ) : ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php }
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