jquery SweetAlert插件实现响应式提示框
网络编程 2021-07-04 21:48www.168986.cn编程入门
为了满足用户体验度,使用SweetAlert插件实现响应式提示框效果非常好,狼蚁网站SEO优化通过这篇文章给大家介绍jquery SweetAlert插件实现响应式提示框,需要的朋友可以参考下
<h1>Sweet Alert</h1> <h2>A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "Alert"</h2> <button class="download">Download</button> <h3>So... What does it do?</h3> <p>Here's a parison of a standard error message. The first one uses the built-in <strong>alert</strong>-function, while the second is using <strong>sweetAlert</strong>.</p> <div class="showcase normal"> <h4>Normal alert</h4> <button>Show error message</button> <h5>Code:</h5> <pre><span class="attr">alert</span>(<span class="str">"Oops... Something went wrong!"</span>); </pre> <div class="vs-icon"></div> </div> <div class="showcase sweet"> <h4>Sweet Alert</h4> <button>Show error message</button> <h5>Code:</h5> <pre><span class="attr">sweetAlert</span>(<span class="str">"Oops..."</span>, <span class="str">"Something went wrong!"</span>, <span class="str">"error"</span>);</pre> </div> <p>Pretty cool huh? SweetAlert automatically centers itself on the page and looks great no matter if you're using a desk puter, mobile or tablet. It's even highly customizeable, as you can see below!</p> <h3>More examples</h3> <p class="center">In these examples, we're using the shorthand function <strong>swal</strong> to call sweetAlert.</p> <ul class="examples"> <li class="message"> <div class="ui"> <p>A basic message</p> <button>Try me!</button> </div> <pre><span class="attr">swal</span>(<span class="str">"Here's a message!"</span>)</pre> </li> <li class="title-text"> <div class="ui"> <p>A title with a text under</p> <button>Try me!</button> </div> <pre><span class="attr">swal</span>(<span class="str">"Here's a message!"</span>, <span class="str">"It's pretty, isn't it?"</span>)</pre> </li> <li class="suess"> <div class="ui"> <p>A suess message!</p> <button>Try me!</button> </div> <pre><span class="attr">swal</span>(<span class="str">"Good job!"</span>, <span class="str">"You clicked the button!"</span>, <span class="str">"suess"</span>)</pre> </li> <li class="warning confirm"> <div class="ui"> <p>A warning message, with a function attached to the "Confirm"-button...</p> <button>Try me!</button> </div>
以上就是本文通过代码给大家详解jquery SweetAlert插件实现响应式提示框,希望对大家有所帮助。
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