jQuery mobile类库使用时加载导航历史的方法简介
网络编程 2021-07-04 21:03www.168986.cn编程入门
这篇文章主要介绍了jQuery mobile开发中加载导航历史的方法,jQuery mobile是jQuery针对移动设备开发的JavaScript库,需要的朋友可以参考下
jQuery.mobile.navigate( url [, data ] )
- url是必须的参数。类型字符串
- data是可选的参数。类型对象。
// Starting at http://example./ // Alter the URL: http://example./ => http://example./#foo $.mobile.navigate( "#foo", { info: "info about the #foo hash" }); // Alter the URL: http://example./#foo => http://example./#bar $.mobile.navigate( "#bar" ); // Bind to the navigate event $( window ).on( "navigate", function( event, data ) { console.log( data.state.info ); console.log( data.state.direction ) console.log( data.state.url ) console.log( data.state.hash ) }); // Alter the URL: http://example./#bar => http://example./#foo window.history.back(); // From the `navigate` binding on the window, console output: // => "info about the #foo hash" // => "back" // => "http://example./#bar // => "#bar"
// Starting at http://example./ // Define a click binding for all anchors in the page $( "a" ).on( "click", function( event ) { // Prevent the usual navigation behavior event.preventDefault(); // Alter the url aording to the anchor's href attribute, and // store the data-foo attribute information with the url $.mobile.navigate( this.attr( "href" ), { foo: this.attr( "data-foo" ) }); // Hypothetical content alteration based on the url. E.g, make // an ajax request for JSON data and render a template into the page. alterContent( this.attr( "href" ) ); });
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