网络编程 2021-07-04 17:33www.168986.cn编程入门
/ this is Parent.vue / <template> <div> <div>{{'parent data : ' + parentData}}</div> <div>{{'parent to children1 props : ' + parentToChildren1Props}}</div> <div>{{'parent to children2 props : ' + parentToChildren2Props}}</div> <div> <el-button @click="changeParentData">change parent data</el-button> <el-button @click="changeParentToChildren1Props">change parent to children1 data</el-button> <el-button @click="changeParentToChildren2Props">change parent to children2 data</el-button> </div> <my-children1 :children1Props="parentToChildren1Props" @changeParentToChildren1Props="changeParentToChildren1Props"></my-children1> <my-children2 :children2Props="parentToChildren2Props" @changeParentToChildren2Props="changeParentToChildren2Props"></my-children2> </div> </template> <script> import Children1 from './Children1'; import Children2 from './Children2'; export default{ name: 'parent', data() { return { parentData: 'ParentData', parentToChildren1Props: 'ParentToChildren1Props', parentToChildren2Props: 'ParentToChildren2Props' } }, beforeCreate: function() { console.log('this is parent beforeCreate'); }, created: function() { console.log('######this is parent created######'); }, beforeMount: function() { console.log('------this is parent beforeMount------'); }, mounted: function() { console.log('++++++this is parent mounted++++++++'); }, beforeUpdate: function() { console.log('&&&&&&&&this is parent beforeUpdate&&&&&&&&'); }, updated: function() { console.log('$$$$$$$this is parent updated$$$$$$$$'); }, methods: { changeParentData: function() { this.parentData = 'changeParentData' }, changeParentToChildren1Props: function() { this.parentToChildren1Props = 'changeParentToChildren1Props' }, changeParentToChildren2Props: function() { this.parentToChildren2Props = 'changeParentToChildren2Props' } }, ponents: { 'my-children1': Children1, 'my-children2': Children2 } } </script>
/ this is Children1.vue / <template> <div> <div>{{'children1 data : ' + children1Data}}</div> <div>{{'parent to children1 props : ' + children1Props}}</div> <div>{{'parent to children1 props to data : ' + children1PropsData}}</div> <div> <el-button @click.native="changeChildren1Data">change children1 data</el-button> <el-button @click.native="emitParentToChangeChildren1Props">emit parent to change children1 props</el-button> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: 'children1', props: ['children1Props'], data() { return { children1Data: 'Children1Data' } }, puted: { children1PropsData: function() { return this.children1Props } }, beforeCreate: function() { console.log('this is children1 beforeCreate'); }, created: function() { console.log('######this is children1 created######'); }, beforeMount: function() { console.log('------this is children1 beforeMount------'); }, mounted: function() { console.log('++++++this is children1 mounted++++++++'); }, beforeUpdate: function() { console.log('&&&&&&&&this is children1 beforeUpdate&&&&&&&&'); }, updated: function() { console.log('$$$$$$$this is children1 updated$$$$$$$$'); }, methods: { changeChildren1Data: function() { this.children1Data = 'changeChildren1Data' }, emitParentToChangeChildren1Props: function() { console.log('emitParentToChangeChildren1Props'); this.$emit('changeParentToChildren1Props'); } } } </script>
/ this is Children2.vue / <template> <div> <div>{{'children2 data : ' + children2Data}}</div> <div>{{'parent to children2 props : ' + children2Props}}</div> <div>{{'parent to children2 props to data : ' + children2PropsData}}</div> <div> <el-button @click.native="changeChildren2Data">change children2 data</el-button> <el-button @click.native="emitParentToChangeChildren2Props">emit parent to change children2 props</el-button> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: 'children2', props: ['children2Props'], data() { return { children2Data: 'Children2Data', children2PropsData: this.children2Props } }, beforeCreate: function() { console.log('this is children2 beforeCreate'); }, created: function() { console.log('######this is children2 created######'); }, beforeMount: function() { console.log('------this is children2 beforeMount------'); }, mounted: function() { console.log('++++++this is children2 mounted++++++++'); }, beforeUpdate: function() { console.log('&&&&&&&&this is children2 beforeUpdate&&&&&&&&'); }, updated: function() { console.log('$$$$$$$this is children2 updated$$$$$$$$'); }, methods: { changeChildren2Data: function() { this.children2Data = 'changeChildren2Data' }, emitParentToChangeChildren2Props: function() { this.$emit('changeParentToChildren2Props'); } } } </script>
- 父组件改变props,子组件如果直接使用props,会触发子组件更新
- 父组件改变props,子组件如果将props放进data中再使用,不会触发子组件更新
- 父组件改变props,子组件如果将props放进puted中再使用,会触发子组件更新
- data,props和puted的变化都会触发组件更新
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