
网络编程 2021-07-04 17:32www.168986.cn编程入门
particles.js用于创建粒子的轻量级 JavaScript 库。使用方法非常简单,代码也很容易实现,狼蚁网站SEO优化通过本文给大家分享JS库particles.js创建超炫背景粒子插件附源码下载,需要的朋友参考下吧

插件描述particles.js用于创建粒子的轻量级 JavaScript 库。



加载 particles.js和配置粒子

<div id="particles-js"></div>
<script src="particles.js"></script>


/ particlesJS.load(@dom-id, @path-json, @callback (optional)); /
particlesJS.load('particles-js', 'assets/particles.json', function() {
 console.log('callback - particles.js config loaded');


 "particles": {
 "number": {
 "value": 80,
 "density": {
 "enable": true,
 "value_area": 800
 "color": {
 "value": "#ffffff"
 "shape": {
 "type": "circle",
 "stroke": {
 "width": 0,
 "color": "#000000"
 "polygon": {
 "nb_sides": 5
 "image": {
 "src": "img/github.svg",
 "width": 100,
 "height": 100
 "opacity": {
 "value": 0.5,
 "random": false,
 "anim": {
 "enable": false,
 "speed": 1,
 "opacity_min": 0.1,
 "sync": false
 "size": {
 "value": 10,
 "random": true,
 "anim": {
 "enable": false,
 "speed": 80,
 "size_min": 0.1,
 "sync": false
 "line_linked": {
 "enable": true,
 "distance": 300,
 "color": "#ffffff",
 "opacity": 0.4,
 "width": 2
 "move": {
 "enable": true,
 "speed": 12,
 "direction": "none",
 "random": false,
 "straight": false,
 "out_mode": "out",
 "bounce": false,
 "attract": {
 "enable": false,
 "rotateX": 600,
 "rotateY": 1200
 "interactivity": {
 "detect_on": "canvas",
 "events": {
 "onhover": {
 "enable": false,
 "mode": "repulse"
 "onclick": {
 "enable": true,
 "mode": "push"
 "resize": true
 "modes": {
 "grab": {
 "distance": 800,
 "line_linked": {
 "opacity": 1
 "bubble": {
 "distance": 800,
 "size": 80,
 "duration": 2,
 "opacity": 0.8,
 "speed": 3
 "repulse": {
 "distance": 400,
 "duration": 0.4
 "push": {
 "particles_nb": 4
 "remove": {
 "particles_nb": 2
 "retina_detect": true


key option type / notes example
particles.number.value number 40
particles.number.density.enable boolean true / false
particles.number.density.value_area number 800
particles.color.value HEX (string) 
RGB (object) 
HSL (object) 
array selection (HEX) 
random (string)
{r:182, g:25, b:36} 
 {h:356, s:76, l:41} 
["#b61924", "#333333", "999999"] 
particles.shape.type string 
array selection
["circle", "triangle", "image"]
particles.shape.stroke.width number 2
particles.shape.stroke.color HEX (string) "#222222"
particles.shape.polygon.nb_slides number 5
particles.shape.image.src path link 
svg / png / gif / jpg
particles.shape.image.width number 
(for aspect ratio)
particles.shape.image.height number 
(for aspect ratio)
particles.opacity.value number (0 to 1) 0.75
particles.opacity.random boolean true / false
particles.opacity.anim.enable boolean true / false
particles.opacity.anim.speed number 3
particles.opacity.anim.opacity_min number (0 to 1) 0.25
particles.opacity.anim.sync boolean true / false
particles.size.value number 20
particles.size.random boolean true / false
particles.size.anim.enable boolean true / false
particles.size.anim.speed number 3
particles.size.anim.size_min number 0.25
particles.size.anim.sync boolean true / false
particles.line_linked.enable boolean true / false
particles.line_linked.distance number 150
particles.line_linked.color HEX (string) #ffffff
particles.line_linked.opacity number (0 to 1) 0.5
particles.line_linked.width number 1.5
particles.move.enable boolean true / false
particles.move.speed number 4
particles.move.direction string "none" 
particles.move.random boolean true / false
particles.move.straight boolean true / false
particles.move.out_mode string 
(out of canvas)
particles.move.bounce boolean 
(between particles)
true / false
particles.move.attract.enable boolean true / false
particles.move.attract.rotateX number 3000
particles.move.attract.rotateY number 1500
interactivity.detect_on string "canvas", "window"
interactivity.events.onhover.enable boolean true / false
interactivity.events.onhover.mode string 
array selection
["grab", "bubble"]
interactivity.events.onclick.enable boolean true / false
interactivity.events.onclick.mode string 
array selection
["push", "repulse"]
interactivity.events.resize boolean true / false
interactivity.events.modes.grab.distance number 100
interactivity.events.modes.grab.line_linked.opacity number (0 to 1) 0.75
interactivity.events.modes.bubble.distance number 100
interactivity.events.modes.bubble.size number 40
interactivity.events.modes.bubble.duration number 
interactivity.events.modes.repulse.distance number 200
interactivity.events.modes.repulse.duration number 
interactivity.events.modes.push.particles_nb number 4
interactivity.events.modes.push.particles_nb number 4
retina_detect boolean true / false


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