网络编程 2021-07-04 16:47www.168986.cn编程入门
npm install vuedraggable -S
import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
ponents: { draggable },
<draggable v-model="colors" @update="datadragEnd" :options = "{animation:500}"> <transition-group> <div v-for="element in colors" :key="element.text" class = "drag-item"> {{element.text}} </div> </transition-group> </draggable>
<template> <draggable v-model="colors" @update="datadragEnd" :options = "{animation:500}"> <transition-group> <div v-for="element in colors" :key="element.text" class = "drag-item"> {{element.text}} </div> </transition-group> </draggable> </template> <script> import draggable from 'vuedraggable' export default{ data(){ return{ msg:"这是测试组件", colors: [ { text: "Aquamarine", }, { text: "Hotpink", }, { text: "Gold", }, { text: "Crimson", }, { text: "Blueviolet", }, { text: "Lightblue", }, { text: "Cornflowerblue", }, { text: "Skyblue", }, { text: "Burlywood", } ], startArr:[], endArr:[], count:0, } }, ponents: { draggable }, methods:{ getdata (evt) { console.log(evt.draggedContext.element.text) }, datadragEnd (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); console.log('拖动前的索引 :' + evt.oldIndex) console.log('拖动后的索引 :' + evt.newIndex) console.log(this.colors); } }, mounted () { //为了防止火狐浏览器拖拽的时候以新标签打开,此代码真实有效 document.body.ondrop = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.sPropagation(); } } } </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .test{ border:1px solid #c; } .drag-item{ width: 200px; height: 50px; line-height: 50px; margin: auto; position: relative; background: #ddd; margin-:20px; } .ghostClass{ opacity: 1; } .bottom{ width: 200px; height: 50px; position: relative; background: blue; :2px; left: 2px; transition: all .5s linear; } </style>
var sortable = new Sortable(el, { group: "name", // or { name: "...", pull: [true, false, clone], put: [true, false, array] } sort: true, // sorting inside list delay: 0, // time in milliseconds to define when the sorting should start touchStartThreshold: 0, // px, how many pixels the point should move before cancelling a delayed drag event disabled: false, // Disables the sortable if set to true. store: null, // @see Store animation: 150, // ms, animation speed moving items when sorting, `0` — without animation handle: ".my-handle", // Drag handle selector within list items filter: ".ignore-elements", // Selectors that do not lead to dragging (String or Function) preventOnFilter: true, // Call `event.preventDefault()` when triggered `filter` draggable: ".item", // Specifies which items inside the element should be draggable ghostClass: "sortable-ghost", // Class name for the drop placeholder chosenClass: "sortable-chosen", // Class name for the chosen item dragClass: "sortable-drag", // Class name for the dragging item dataIdAttr: 'data-id', forceFallback: false, // ignore the HTML5 DnD behaviour and force the fallback to kick in fallbackClass: "sortable-fallback", // Class name for the cloned DOM Element when using forceFallback fallbackOnBody: false, // Appends the cloned DOM Element into the Document's Body fallbackTolerance: 0, // Specify in pixels how far the mouse should move before it's considered as a drag. scroll: true, // or HTMLElement scrollFn: function(offsetX, offsetY, originalEvent, touchEvt, hoverTargetEl) { ... }, // if you have custom scrollbar scrollFn may be used for autoscrolling scrollSensitivity: 30, // px, how near the mouse must be to an edge to start scrolling. scrollSpeed: 10, // px setData: function (/ DataTransfer /dataTransfer, / HTMLElement/dragEl) { dataTransfer.setData('Text', dragEl.textContent); // `dataTransfer` object of HTML5 DragEvent }, // Element is chosen onChoose: function (/Event/evt) { evt.oldIndex; // element index within parent }, // Element dragging started onStart: function (/Event/evt) { evt.oldIndex; // element index within parent }, // Element dragging ended onEnd: function (/Event/evt) { var itemEl = evt.item; // dragged HTMLElement; // target list evt.from; // previous list evt.oldIndex; // element's old index within old parent evt.newIndex; // element's new index within new parent }, // Element is dropped into the list from another list onAdd: function (/Event/evt) { // same properties as onEnd }, // Changed sorting within list onUpdate: function (/Event/evt) { // same properties as onEnd }, // Called by any change to the list (add / update / remove) onSort: function (/Event/evt) { // same properties as onEnd }, // Element is removed from the list into another list onRemove: function (/Event/evt) { // same properties as onEnd }, // Attempt to drag a filtered element onFilter: function (/Event/evt) { var itemEl = evt.item; // HTMLElement receiving the `mousedown|tapstart` event. }, // Event when you move an item in the list or between lists onMove: function (/Event/evt, /Event/originalEvent) { // Example: http://jsbin./tuyafe/1/edit?js,output evt.dragged; // dragged HTMLElement evt.draggedRect; // TextRectangle {left, , right и bottom} evt.related; // HTMLElement on which have guided evt.relatedRect; // TextRectangle originalEvent.clientY; // mouse position // return false; — for cancel }, // Called when creating a clone of element onClone: function (/Event/evt) { var origEl = evt.item; var cloneEl = evt.clone; } });
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