1. 确定json文件是UTF-8 无BOM编码的的。如果有BOM,会在读取第一行的时候出现乱码。
Per "fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8') doesn't strip BOM markers #1918", fs.readFile is
working as designed: BOM is not stripped from the header of the UTF-8 file, if it exists. It at the discretion of the developer to handle this.
Possible workarounds:
- data= data.replace(/^\uFEFF/, ''); perhttps://github./joyent/node/issues/1918#issuement-2480359
- Transform the ining stream to remove the BOM header with the NPM module bomstrip perhttps://github./joyent/node/issues/1918#issuement-38491548
What you are getting is the byte order mark header (BOM) of the UTF-8 file. When JSON.parse sees
this, it gives an syntax error (read: "unexpected character" error). You must strip the byte order mark from the file before passing it to JSON.parse:
fs.readFile('./myconfig.json', 'utf8', function (err, data) { myconfig = JSON.parse(data.toString('utf8').replace(/^\uFEFF/, '')); }); // note: data is an instance of Buffer
2. 确定json没有格式错误。我在用utf8编码并用utf8 encoding来读取文件之后依然报错,百思不得其解。
// 参数file,必须保存为utf8格式,否则里面的中文会乱码 function readFile(file){ // readFile的第2个参数表示读取编码格式,如果未传递这个参数,表示返回Buffer字节数组 fs.readFile(file, "utf8", function(err, data){ if(err) console.log("读取文件fail " + err); else{ // 读取成功时 console.log(data);// 直接输出中文字符串了 } }); }
var iconv = require('iconv-lite'); var fs = require('fs'); var fileStr = fs.readFileSync('D:\\test.csv', {encoding:'binary'}); var buf = new Buffer(fileStr, 'binary'); var str = iconv.decode(buf, 'GBK'); console.log(str);
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