四叉树很简单,就是把一块2d的区域,等分成4份,如下图: 我们把4块区域从右上象限开始编号, 逆时针。
function QuadTree(boundBox, lvl) { var maxObjects = 10; this.bounds = boundBox || { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; var objects = []; this.nodes = []; var level = lvl || 0; var maxLevels = 5; }
maxObjects是每个节点能容纳的最多对象超过 则分割4个节点, 我们并不是事先就分好格子, 而是在插入对象的时候才进行划分。
maxLevels是 四叉树的最大层数 超过 则不再划分 从根节点开始 最多6 层。
level 当前层数
objects: 当前节点内的待检测的对象。
nodes: 4个子节点队列。
function clear() { objects = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { this.nodes[i].clear(); } this.nodes = []; };
function split() { // Bitwise or [html5rocks] var subWidth = (this.bounds.width / 2) | 0; var subHeight = (this.bounds.height / 2) | 0; this.nodes[0] = new QuadTree({ x: this.bounds.x + subWidth, y: this.bounds.y, width: subWidth, height: subHeight }, level+1); this.nodes[1] = new QuadTree({ x: this.bounds.x, y: this.bounds.y, width: subWidth, height: subHeight }, level+1); this.nodes[2] = new QuadTree({ x: this.bounds.x, y: this.bounds.y + subHeight, width: subWidth, height: subHeight }, level+1); this.nodes[3] = new QuadTree({ x: this.bounds.x + subWidth, y: this.bounds.y + subHeight, width: subWidth, height: subHeight }, level+1); }
Split 方法,就是用来将节点分成相等的四份面积,并用新的边界来初始化四个新的子节点。
function getIndex(obj) { var index = -1; var verticalMidpoint = this.bounds.x + this.bounds.width / 2; var horizontalMidpoint = this.bounds.y + this.bounds.height / 2; // Object can fit pletely within the quadrant var Quadrant = (obj.y < horizontalMidpoint && obj.y + obj.height < horizontalMidpoint); // Object can fit pletely within the bottom quandrant var bottomQuadrant = (obj.y > horizontalMidpoint); // Object can fit pletely within the left quadrants if (obj.x < verticalMidpoint && obj.x + obj.width < verticalMidpoint) { if (Quadrant) { index = 1; } else if (bottomQuadrant) { index = 2; } } // Object can fix pletely within the right quandrants else if (obj.x > verticalMidpoint) { if (Quadrant) { index = 0; } else if (bottomQuadrant) { index = 3; } } return index; };
getIndex 方法是个四叉树的辅助方法,在四叉树里,他决定了一个节点的归属,通过检查节点属于哪个象限。(最上面第一幅图不是逆时针在一个面积里划分了四块面积,上面标示了他们的序号,这个方法就是算在一个父节点里他的子节点的序号)
比如当前区域是Rectange(0, 0, 600, 600) 待检测矩形是Rectangel(0, 0, 30, 30) 那么他就在左上象限 index = 1 如果是Rectange(400, 400, 30, 30) 那么他就在右下象限 index = 3
function insert(obj) { if (typeof obj === "undefined") { return; } if (obj instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) { this.insert(obj[i]); } return; } if (this.nodes.length) { var index = this.getIndex(obj); // Only add the object to a subnode if it can fit pletely // within one if (index != -1) { this.nodes[index].insert(obj); return; } } objects.push(obj); // Prevent infinite splitting if (objects.length > maxObjects && level < maxLevels) { if (this.nodes[0] == null) { this.split(); } var i = 0; while (i < objects.length) { var index = this.getIndex(objects[i]); if (index != -1) { this.nodes[index].insert((objects.splice(i,1))[0]); } else { i++; } } } };
每次插入一个对象 我们都先看看当前节点有没有子节点 如果有 我们就插入子节点。 一直检测到他没有子节点为止 我们就把对象插入到这个节点, 如果这个节点的对象数量 > 10个 并且当前节点的层数 < MAX_LEVELS 我们就把节点继续划分4个子节点。 然后把当前对象循环 删除 并插入子节点。如果对象在中心线上,getIndex会返回-1, 所以这些对象会被插入到父节点上面。
function retrieve(returnedObjects, obj) { if (typeof obj === "undefined") { console.log("UNDEFINED OBJECT"); return; } var index = this.getIndex(obj); if (index != -1 && this.nodes.length) { this.nodes[index].findObjects(returnedObjects, obj); } for (var i = 0, len = objects.length; i < len; i++) { returnedObjects.push(objects[i]); } return returnedObjects; };
一个四叉树的方法就是 retrieve 方法,他返回了与指定节点可能发生碰撞的所有节点(就是不停寻找与所给节点在同样象限的节点)。这个方法成倍的减少碰撞检测数量。
/ QuadTree object. The quadrant indexes are numbered as below: | 1 | 0 ----+---- 2 | 3 | / function QuadTree(boundBox, lvl) { var maxObjects = 10; this.bounds = boundBox || { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; var objects = []; this.nodes = []; var level = lvl || 0; var maxLevels = 5; / Clears the quadTree and all nodes of objects / this.clear = function() { objects = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { this.nodes[i].clear(); } this.nodes = []; }; / Get all objects in the quadTree / this.getAllObjects = function(returnedObjects) { for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { this.nodes[i].getAllObjects(returnedObjects); } for (var i = 0, len = objects.length; i < len; i++) { returnedObjects.push(objects[i]); } return returnedObjects; }; / Return all objects that the object could collide with / this.findObjects = function(returnedObjects, obj) { if (typeof obj === "undefined") { console.log("UNDEFINED OBJECT"); return; } var index = this.getIndex(obj); if (index != -1 && this.nodes.length) { this.nodes[index].findObjects(returnedObjects, obj); } for (var i = 0, len = objects.length; i < len; i++) { returnedObjects.push(objects[i]); } return returnedObjects; }; / Insert the object into the quadTree. If the tree excedes the capacity, it will split and add all objects to their corresponding nodes. / this.insert = function(obj) { if (typeof obj === "undefined") { return; } if (obj instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) { this.insert(obj[i]); } return; } if (this.nodes.length) { var index = this.getIndex(obj); // Only add the object to a subnode if it can fit pletely // within one if (index != -1) { this.nodes[index].insert(obj); return; } } objects.push(obj); // Prevent infinite splitting if (objects.length > maxObjects && level < maxLevels) { if (this.nodes[0] == null) { this.split(); } var i = 0; while (i < objects.length) { var index = this.getIndex(objects[i]); if (index != -1) { this.nodes[index].insert((objects.splice(i,1))[0]); } else { i++; } } } }; / Determine which node the object belongs to. -1 means object cannot pletely fit within a node and is part of the current node / this.getIndex = function(obj) { var index = -1; var verticalMidpoint = this.bounds.x + this.bounds.width / 2; var horizontalMidpoint = this.bounds.y + this.bounds.height / 2; // Object can fit pletely within the quadrant var Quadrant = (obj.y < horizontalMidpoint && obj.y + obj.height < horizontalMidpoint); // Object can fit pletely within the bottom quandrant var bottomQuadrant = (obj.y > horizontalMidpoint); // Object can fit pletely within the left quadrants if (obj.x < verticalMidpoint && obj.x + obj.width < verticalMidpoint) { if (Quadrant) { index = 1; } else if (bottomQuadrant) { index = 2; } } // Object can fix pletely within the right quandrants else if (obj.x > verticalMidpoint) { if (Quadrant) { index = 0; } else if (bottomQuadrant) { index = 3; } } return index; }; / Splits the node into 4 subnodes / this.split = function() { // Bitwise or [html5rocks] var subWidth = (this.bounds.width / 2) | 0; var subHeight = (this.bounds.height / 2) | 0; this.nodes[0] = new QuadTree({ x: this.bounds.x + subWidth, y: this.bounds.y, width: subWidth, height: subHeight }, level+1); this.nodes[1] = new QuadTree({ x: this.bounds.x, y: this.bounds.y, width: subWidth, height: subHeight }, level+1); this.nodes[2] = new QuadTree({ x: this.bounds.x, y: this.bounds.y + subHeight, width: subWidth, height: subHeight }, level+1); this.nodes[3] = new QuadTree({ x: this.bounds.x + subWidth, y: this.bounds.y + subHeight, width: subWidth, height: subHeight }, level+1); }; }
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