网络编程 2021-07-04 14:06www.168986.cn编程入门
var map; var dataResult; var app = {}; / @constructor @extends {ol.interaction.Pointer} / app.Drag = function() {, { handleDownEvent: app.Drag.prototype.handleDownEvent, handleDragEvent: app.Drag.prototype.handleDragEvent, handleMoveEvent: app.Drag.prototype.handleMoveEvent, handleUpEvent: app.Drag.prototype.handleUpEvent }); / @type {ol.Pixel} @private / this.coordinate_ = null; / @type {string|undefined} @private / this.cursor_ = 'pointer'; / @type {ol.Feature} @private / this.feature_ = null; / @type {string|undefined} @private / this.previousCursor_ = undefined; }; ol.inherits(app.Drag, ol.interaction.Pointer); / @param {ol.MapBrowserEvent} evt Map browser event. @return {boolean} `true` to start the drag sequence. / app.Drag.prototype.handleDownEvent = function(evt) { var map =; var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function(feature) { return feature; }); if (feature) { this.coordinate_ = evt.coordinate; this.feature_ = feature; } return !!feature; }; / @param {ol.MapBrowserEvent} evt Map browser event. / app.Drag.prototype.handleDragEvent = function(evt) { var deltaX = evt.coordinate[0] - this.coordinate_[0]; var deltaY = evt.coordinate[1] - this.coordinate_[1]; var geometry = this.feature_.getGeometry(); geometry.translate(deltaX, deltaY); this.coordinate_[0] = evt.coordinate[0]; this.coordinate_[1] = evt.coordinate[1]; //console.log(this); }; / @param {ol.MapBrowserEvent} evt Event. / app.Drag.prototype.handleMoveEvent = function(evt) { if (this.cursor_) { var map =; var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function(feature) { return feature; }); var element =; if (feature) { if ( != this.cursor_) { this.previousCursor_ =; = this.cursor_; } } else if (this.previousCursor_ !== undefined) { = this.previousCursor_; this.previousCursor_ = undefined; } } }; / @return {boolean} `false` to s the drag sequence. / app.Drag.prototype.handleUpEvent = function() { dataResult={"coordinatex":this.coordinate_[0],"coordinatey":this.coordinate_[1]}; this.coordinate_ = null; this.feature_ = null; return false; }; / @desc 定义坐标系统与范围 / var worldExtent = [-180,-90,180,90 ];// 世界范围 var projection = ol.proj.get("EPSG:4326"); //4326坐标 var projectionExtent = projection.getExtent(); / @desc 去掉第0层的天地图分辨率信息,不会出现缩放到是空白的现象 / var tdtResolutions = [ 0.02197265625, 0.010986328125, 0.0054931640625, 0.00274658203125, 0.001373291015625, 0.0006866455078125, 0.00034332275390625, 0.000171661376953125, 0.0000858306884765625, 0.00004291534423828125, 0.000021457672119140625, 0.0000107288360595703125,0.00000536441802978515625,0.000002682209014892578125,0.0000013411045074462890625 ]; / @desc 与分辨率信息需要每层严格对应起来 / var matrixIds = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]; var matrixIdszj=[15, 16, 17,18,19,20] / @desc 天地图格网信息 / var tdtGrid = new ol.tilegrid.WMTS( { origin : ol.extent.getTopLeft(projectionExtent), resolutions : tdtResolutions.slice(0, 9), matrixIds : matrixIds }); var tdtGridzj = new ol.tilegrid.WMTS( { origin : ol.extent.getTopLeft(projectionExtent), resolutions : tdtResolutions.slice(9, 15), matrixIds : matrixIdszj }); / @desc 国家天地图图层 / var wmtsVecLayer = new ol.layer.Tile( { source : new ol.source.WMTS( { layer : 'vec', style : 'default', version : '1.0.0', matrixSet : 'c', format : 'tiles', url : 'http://t{0-6}.tianditu./vec_c/wmts?tk=key', tileGrid : tdtGrid, wrapX : true }), minResolution: 0.0000858306884765625, maxResolution: 0.02197265625 }); var wmtsAnnoLayer = new ol.layer.Tile( { source : new ol.source.WMTS( { layer : 'cva', style : 'default', version : '1.0.0', matrixSet : 'c', format : 'tiles', url : 'http://t{0-6}.tianditu./cva_c/wmts?tk=key', tileGrid : tdtGrid, wrapX : true }), minResolution: 0.0000858306884765625, maxResolution: 0.02197265625 }); / @desc 浙江天地图图层 / var zJVecLayer = new ol.layer.Tile( { source : new ol.source.WMTS( { style : 'default', version : '1.0.0', wrapX : true, layer : 'ZJEMAP', matrixSet:'TileMatrixSet0', format : 'image/png', url : 'http://srv.zjditu./ZJEMAP_2D/wmts', tileGrid : tdtGridzj, wrapX : true }), minResolution: 0.0000013411045074462890625, maxResolution: 0.0000858306884765625, }); var zJAnnoLayer =new ol.layer.Tile( { source : new ol.source.WMTS( { style : 'default', version : '1.0.0', wrapX : true, layer : 'ZJEMAPANNO', matrixSet : 'TileMatrixSet0', format : 'image/png', url : 'http://srv.zjditu./ZJEMAPANNO_2D/wmts', tileGrid : tdtGridzj, wrapX : true }), minResolution: 0.0000013411045074462890625, maxResolution: 0.0000858306884765625, }); var devVectorSource = new ol.source.Vector(); var devVectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({ source:devVectorSource, style:pointStyleFunction }); //定位点要素 var positionFeature = new ol.Feature(); positionFeature.setStyle(new{ image: new{ radius: 6, fill: new{ color: '#3399CC' }), stroke: new{ color: '#fff', width: 2 }) }) })); function flyLocation(center) { var duration = 1000; //持续时间(毫秒) var start = +new Date(); //移动效果 var pan = ol.animation.pan({ duration: duration, //设置持续时间 source: / @type {ol.Coordinate} /(map.getView().getCenter()), start: start }); //反弹效果 / var bounce = ol.animation.bounce({ duration: duration, //设置持续时间 resolution: 2 map.getView().getResolution(), //4倍分辨率 start: start }); / map.beforeRender(pan); //地图渲染前设置动画效果(pan+bounce) map.getView().setCenter(center); //平移地图 map.getView().setZoom(18); //放大地图 } //创建定位点矢量图层(featuresOverlay) var featuresOverlay = new ol.layer.Vector({ source: new ol.source.Vector({ features: [positionFeature] }) }); function GetRequest() { var url = decodeURI(; //获取url中"?"符后的字串 var theRequest = new Object(); if (url.indexOf("?") != -1) { var str = url.substr(1); strs = str.split("&"); for(var i = 0; i < strs.length; i ++) { theRequest[strs[i].split("=")[0]]=unescape(strs[i].split("=")[1]); } } return theRequest; } var type; //初始坐标 var data={"coordinatex":(GetRequest().x?GetRequest().x:121.54610300015),"coordinatey":(GetRequest().y?GetRequest().y:29.876429)}; / @desc 初始化 @return / $(function(){ //document.getElementById("Bar").style.fontSize=document.getElementById("Bar").width; initMap(); // showJq(); dataResult=data; loadData(data); }); / @desc:初始化地图 @return / function initMap() { map = new ol.Map( { // 设置地图控件,默认的三个控件都不显示 controls: ol.control.defaults({ attribution: false, zoom: false }), view : new ol.View({ // extent:[120.320631,30.311294,120.332057,30.319126],//定义地图容器范围,不是地图的初始化范围 center : [121.54610300015,29.876429], zoom :18, projection : projection, maxZoom: 20, minZoom: 9 }), // logo: false, // 不显示logo // logo: 'logo.png', // 用一个图片 logo.png 作为logo //logo: {src: 'images/logo.png', href: 'http://.openstreetmap./'}, // 点击能跳转到对应页面 layers : [ wmtsVecLayer,wmtsAnnoLayer,zJVecLayer,zJAnnoLayer], target : 'map', interactions: ol.interaction.defaults({ pinchRotate:false }).extend([new app.Drag()]) }); map.addLayer(devVectorLayer); map.addLayer(featuresOverlay); //添加定位点标注(矢量要素图层) }; function loadData(dataJson){ // var dataJson = $.parseJSON(data); //map.getView().fit(initExtent,map.getSize()); devVectorSource.clear(); //isCheck =; var devArr = dataJson; if(dataJson.coordinatex&&dataJson.coordinatey){ var features = new Array(); if(devArr.coordinatex && devArr.coordinatey){ var feature = new ol.Feature(new ol.geom.Point([parseFloat(devArr.coordinatex),parseFloat(devArr.coordinatey)])); feature.setProperties(devArr); features.push(feature); } devVectorSource.addFeatures(features); var num = parseInt(Math.random()features.length,10); var ft = features[num]; var ptCoord = ft.getGeometry().getCoordinates(); map.getView().setCenter(ptCoord); map.getView().setZoom(18); } } function pointStyleFunction(feature,resolution){ var imgPath = 'images/location.png'; return [new{ image: new{ anchor: [0.5, 1], // opacity: 0.9, src: imgPath }) })] } function defaultPoints() { loadData(data); } function uploadPoints(){ console.log(dataResult); } function closeWindow() { if(confirm("确定要退出吗?")){ var browserName=navigator.appName; if (browserName=="Netscape"){ window.opener=null;'', '_self', ''); window.close(); } if (browserName=="Microsoft Inter Explorer") { window.parent.opener = "whocares"; window.parent.close(); } } }
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