PageRank Sculpting 是一种对内页 Link Juice 操控的SEO技巧,通过对Page Rank流向的操控,来得到最大的优化效果。该技术一直是专家级别的SEOer所采用的站内优化手法。,Matt Cutt 在SMX会议上说了这么一段话
So today at SMX Advanced, sculpting was being discussed, and then Matt Cutts dropped a bomb shell that it no longer works to help flow more PageRank to the unblocked pages. Again — and being really simplistic here — if you have $10 in authority to spend on those ten links, and you block 5 of them, the other 5 aren’t going to get $2 each. They’re still getting $1. It’s just that the other $5 you thought you were saving is now going to waste.
如果把一个页面可以流出的 PageRank 比喻成一桶水,把导出链接比喻成水管。
如果有5根水管往外输水,你将其中的1根水管用 nofollow 扎起来,那么每个水管输出的水 (link juice) 就是总量的 1/4
仍然把一个页面可以流出的 PageRank 比喻成一桶水,把流出的水分别倒进5个杯子(刚好能装下)
其中1个杯子用nofollow盖上了杯子盖。那本来该流进这个杯子中的水,就白白浪费掉了,4个杯子得到的水 (link juice) 还是总量的1/5
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