AI脚本分割文本框教程 脚本的作用
平面设计 2021-07-03 16:32www.168986.cn平面设计培训
要用“文件-脚本”来使用,以CS3为例应放在"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS3\预设\脚本"下。
//Divide TextFrame v.2 -- CS,CS2
// Divides a multiline text field into separate textFrame objects.
// Basically, each line in the selected text object
// bees it's own textFrame. Vertical Spacing of each new line is based on leading.
// This is the opposite of my "Join TextFrames" scripts which
// takes multiple lines and stitchs them back together into the same object.
// JS code (c) copyright: John Wundes ( john@wundes. ) .wundes.
//copyright full text here: http://.wundes./js4ai/copyright.txt
if(activeDocument.selection[0].contents.indexOf("\n") != -1){
//alert("This IS already a single line object!");
//get object position
//make array
var lineArr = fieldToArray(activeDocument.selection[0]);
tfTop = activeDocument.selection[0].;
tfLeft = activeDocument.selection[0].left;
//Divide TextFrame v.2 -- CS,CS2
// Divides a multiline text field into separate textFrame objects.
// Basically, each line in the selected text object
// bees it's own textFrame. Vertical Spacing of each new line is based on leading.
// This is the opposite of my "Join TextFrames" scripts which
// takes multiple lines and stitchs them back together into the same object.
// JS code (c) copyright: John Wundes ( john@wundes. ) .wundes.
//copyright full text here: http://.wundes./js4ai/copyright.txt
if(activeDocument.selection[0].contents.indexOf("\n") != -1){
//alert("This IS already a single line object!");
//get object position
//make array
var lineArr = fieldToArray(activeDocument.selection[0]);
tfTop = activeDocument.selection[0].;
tfLeft = activeDocument.selection[0].left;
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