MSSQL 多字段根据范围求最大值实现方法
-->Date :2009-09-21 15:08:41
declare @T table([Col1] int,[Col2] int,[Col3] int,[Col4] int,[Col5] int,[Col6] int,[Col7] int)
Insert @T
select 1,10,20,30,40,50,60 union all
select 2,60,30,45,20,52,85 union all
select 3,87,56,65,41,14,21
select [col1],
(select [col1],[col2] from @t
union all
select [col1],[col3] from @t
union all
select [col1],[col4] from @t
union all
select [col1],[col5] from @t
union all
select [col1],[col6] from @t
union all
select [col1],[col7] from @t
where [col2] between 20 and 60 --條件限制
group by [col1]
col1 maxcol
----------- -----------
1 60
2 60
3 56
(3 個資料列受到影響)
select [col1],
(select max([col2])from
select [col2]
union all select [col3]
union all select [col4]
union all select [col5]
union all select [col6]
union all select [col7]
where [col2] between 20 and 60) as maxcol --指定查詢範圍
from @t
(3 個資料列受到影響)
col1 maxcol
----------- -----------
1 60
2 60
3 56
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